Monday, March 29, 2010

Joe Butera, President of Northeast Recovery Society seeking resticted hunting season on Coywolves(Eastern Coyotes

Joe has been active for years in New York State seeking the Fish and Wildlife Dept to "re-plant" wolves into the Adirondacks and New England. His plea to the New York Dept. of Environmental of Conservation Chief regarding a restricted Coywolf hunting season  is to the point and backed up by the detailed science that Roland Kays(NY State Museum) and Jon Way(Eastern Coyote Research) provide in their articles on the Eastern Coyote(Coywolf) in the posts that follow this one. As Joe states, the canid species being killed in New York State and the Northeast, have the characteristics/morphology of both wolf and coyote."
An near full year(9 month no bag limit) hunting season for our hybrid wolf/coyote Coywolf has nothing to do with conservation and perpetuation of the species...................................old school and out-of-date thinking on a species that has brought back wolf genes into our woodlands.

click here to read Joe's full letter

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