Thursday, November 25, 2010

You, the residents of New York State have caused /govenor Patterson to stop Gas Drilling and hydrofracking in the Marcellus Shale region throughout the State.............A Thanksgiving wish coming true!!!!

From: Catskill Mountainkeeper <>
To: Meril, Rick
Sent: Thu Nov 25 08:32:23 2010
Subject: Something To Be Thankful For

Catskill Mountainkeeper Thank You
Thanksgiving Day,  2010

"At this point, I would say that the hydrofracking opponents have raised enough of an argument to thwart us going forward at this time."  Governor David Paterson: Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Yesterday on WAMC Radio, Governor Paterson admitted that he is no longer convinced that fracking is safe and that as a result of all of our hard work - fracking will not go forward at this time.

Here is the full quote:

"This is a very good example of public participation. Our DEC...originally ruled that hydrofracking would not affect the
water quality in the area but we've received additional information and have not been able to come to a conclusion as to whether or not this is a good idea.  Even with the tremendous revenues that will come in at this time...we're not going to risk public safety or water quality, which will be the next emerging global problem after the energy shortage. At this point, I would say that the hydrofracking opponents have raised enough of an argument to thwart us going forward at this time."

 Listen the full interview at:

This is an amazing David vs. Goliath victory for all of the volunteer groups, environmental organizations, land owners, business owners, farmers and the many thousands of individuals who have taken action.
We still need to haveSpeaker Sheldon Silver and the New York Assembly  pass the Moratorium Bill and the Water Withdrawal Bill on Monday during the Extraordinary Session called by Paterson.  All indications are that Silver wants to move these bills but he needs to hear from you.  Take action by contacting your Assemblyperson by clicking here and filling out this simple email form provided by our partner
"Clean Water Not Dirty Drilling".

Thank you again from the Mountainkeeper team.
Ramsay, Wes, Aaron and Beth

About Catskill Mountainkeeper
Catskill Mountainkeeper is a community based environmental advocacy organization, dedicated to creating a flourishing a sustainable economy in the Catskills and preserving and protecting the area's long term health.  We address issues of water integrity for the Delaware and Susquehanna River Systems, the defense of the vast woodlands that encompass the Catskill Forest Preserve and the New York City Watershed as well as farmland protection. We promote "smart" development that balances the economic needs and concerns of the Catskill regions' citizens and the protection of our abundant but exceedingly vulnerable natural resources.

Catskill Mountainkeeper is an independent not for profit 501c3 organization.


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