Saturday, December 4, 2010

Alabama/Tennessee border potential Cougar attack on hunter and his dog

Marshall County man attacked by large, wild cat
Diane.................a possibility that it was a cougar......................there have been reportsof f.concolor in alabama...................coming out of florida.....................i will go to waff site to investigate...................

of course, it could be a large bobcat as well......................but being attacked..........................more likely a cougar....................although few and far between cases of this happening................if you are running or on bicycle, a cougar can come after you(like a deer fleeing, it sets off prey chase response in the cougar).........or if a hunter with a dog.............the cougar could go for the dog with the hunter getting attacked in the process..................thank you for using my site and please send along anything that you deem interesting or revealing.............Feel well!  :))))

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On Fri, Dec 3, 2010 at 10:51 PM, Diane wrote::

Hi, Rick,

Discovered your site tonight. Took an interest in eastern cougar issues about 2 yrs ago when I  heard first-hand accounts of incidences in this area (north AL near TN state line) by two separate individuals  within a short period of time, very near our home. Started making inquiries of local farmers/hunters, etc..just out of interest (got. Didn't join any group after a Florida preservation group failed to respond to my inquiry (smile).

Anyway, I wanted to alert interested persons to an incident in my area which was reported on the local news tonight, regarding a large cat attack.  If you search WAFF news, Huntsville AL, you should see the link to the newscast, referenced as a Marshall County man attacked by large wild cat. They do interview the man, who sustained injuries. The newscast also showed an area photo of a large cat taken about four years ago.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on this.  I do plan on joining the organization, but actually I am quite ill tonight...just wanted to get this newscast into out while it was fresh


to see

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