Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The artricle that Frank Carbone had sent me a couple weeks back about the 104 pound canid that a forensics lab had identified as a coyote is being questioned by many...................see the pic below...............Missouri Coyotes are Western Coyotes(C.latrans) and weigh in 20-35 pounds...................this 104 pound "monster" is a wolf if there ever was one................I wish the hunters had not bagged this guy.................but obviously a "frontiersman" wolf wandering out of Minn/Wisconsin/Michigan and seeking new territory...............your thoughts??????

Missouri wolf or coyote, take two

Several days ago I blogged that the Missouri Department of Conservation had announced an animal shot by a hunter in November was a coyote and not a wolf has had been believed. DNA evidence was credited for the identification.
Missouri wildlife officials said DNA evidence shows this animal shot during their recent deer season is a just a large coyotes.
Missouri wildlife officials said DNA evidence shows this animal shot during their recent deer season is a just a large coyotes.

Several readers, though, say there's no way an animal that reportedly weighed 104 pounds can be a pure coyote.

They have a point. Take a look at the photo.
I've seen a lot of coyotes but none that were half the size of the animal in the photos sent to me by a mutual friend of the deer hunter who pulled the trigger.
(At the time, he thought he was shooting a coyote. He called a local game warden as soon as he  saw the animal's size and appearance.)

Does that look like a coyote to you? Me neither.

A little research shows it could be a wild wolf with some coyote DNA in its gene pool.--most of the Eastern Wolves in the Great Lakes States(C.lupus x lycaon) show some coyote genes..........a canid soup with more northern and western gray wolves(C.lupus) mixing with C.lupus x lycaon) which in turn has has hybridization turns with C.latrans and C.lycaon x latrans(Western coyotes and Eastern coyotes)...........confused, so what?  enjoy the ever changing wolf/coyote evolution going on in our midst--blogger Rick 
Wolf, coyote or hybrid? It's a rare and huge midwestern coyote that makes it to 50 pounds. This animal was more than twice that size.
Wolf, coyote or hybrid? It's a rare and huge midwestern coyote that makes it to 50 pounds. This animal was more than twice that size.

It's possible the animal is any sort of mixture of a wolf, coyote, domestic dog hybrid.
None of the above would be out of the question.

Pure wolves have wandered as far south as Missouri from packs around the Great Lakes.
Wolf/dog hybrids are sold as pets.

But sorry, MDOC, I'm not buying that it is just an abnormally large coyote based on the photos.


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