Saturday, November 26, 2011

The alberta, Canada Government is refusing to address the fundamental causes for the decline of the woodland caribou herds.........Fundamental causes include habitat encroachment and increased human activity.................Without the political will and without the strength of political action to address the fundamental causes for the decline of woodland caribou, the killing of wolves becomes a marginal and insupportable method of preserving the caribou.......In fact, the wolf becomes the scapegoat for the lack of will on the part of the Progressive Conservative government to either stop human encroachment and industrial development in caribou habitat; or give up on maintaining the woodland caribou as a viable species in Alberta

End pointless wolf cull

focus on habitat encroachment

The Alberta government endorses the killing of wolves to assist in maintaining the viability of the woodland caribou.The province does not, in any substantial way, address the fundamental causes for the decline of the woodland caribou herds.

Fundamental causes include habitat encroachment and increased human activity.Without the political will and without the strength of political action to address the fundamental causes for the decline of woodland caribou, the killing of wolves becomes a marginal and insupportable method of preserving the caribou.

In fact, the wolf becomes the scapegoat for the lack of will on the part of the Progressive Conservative government to either stop human encroachment and industrial development in caribou habitat; or give up on maintaining the woodland caribou as a viable species in Alberta.

Over the past 25 years, little or nothing has been done by this government to stop human encroachment or industrial development in caribou habitat, so it is safe to assume the government is not going to be enacting the kind of widespread protection policies that are needed to boost and sustain caribou numbers in the foreseeable future.

It is pretty evident in all aspects of this government's environmental responses that the needs of the natural world are easily sacrificed to the needs of the industrial sectors.

Destruction of wolves in Alberta will not prevent the decline of the woodland caribou without the concomitant habitat protection this government has not made a priority in the past, and is unlikely to make a priority in the future.

This government must, therefore, stop the killing of wolves.
It is a pointless exercise and harmful to the natural woodland ecosystem in which wolves play a crucial role. The caribou are certainly lost anyway. It is not necessary to destroy the wolves as well.

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