Thursday, March 29, 2012

Research in Southern California has proven without a doubt that Bobcats to not favor habitat close-in to suburban and urban human domiciles............However, up the road from my home, this "Bob" made himself(herself) right at home outside a neighbors window............The biggest threat to Bobcats in human dominated landscapes is mange contractred through the feeding on chemically poisoned mice and rats.............DO NOT USE CHEMICAL RODENTCIDES TO CONTROL MICE AND RATS........USE MECHANICAL TRAPS INSTEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Bobcat visits Agoura Hills home

2012-03-29 / Pets

LOCAL WILDLIFE—Nidia Beltramo, who lives on Oak Summit Road in the Liberty Canyon neighborhood of Agoura Hills, sent in this shot of a bobcat she sighted through her kitchen window as she was preparing breakfast recently. Beltramo said she had spotted bobcats near her home before, but this is the first time one stayed long enough to pose for a clear photo. Perhaps he was smelling the bacon sizzling inside.


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