Monday, April 30, 2012

Ralph Maughan's THE WILDLIFE NEWS always has interesting and informative articles.............Beautiful picture of a Lynx in Washington State from this past winter and commentary on how Idaho had two documented Lynx sightings.............Will the Feds or the state take steps to create critical habitat there for a recovery of our "big pawed" cat to begin?

Lynx captured in Washington State.
the wildlife news

By Ken Cole On April 30, 2012 · The Wildlife News received this photo recently of a lynx captured in eastern Washington State. I just thought people might be interested in seeing just how big and beautiful they are. This one is obviously under the influence of tranquilizers.

After a long time without any being documented there have been two Canada lynx documented in Idaho this year but they are not officially part of Idaho’s fauna and their habitat has not received any special designation in Idaho despite being protected under the Endangered Species Act.

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