Friday, May 25, 2012

Kristie Lewis is an independent writer and new friend of this blog...............She has penned the article below entitled: IN THE 'BURBS--HUMAN CONSTRUCTION ENCROACHING ON THE GRAY WOLF POPULATION---Kristie's take on how conscientious efforts by home and industrial builders to preserve open space can be a step in the right direction in helping wildlife to better persist amidst ever-shrinking natural habitat

In the 'burbs—Human Construction Encroaching on the Gray Wolf Population

For most of us, the thought of living in close proximity to wolves is not something that crosses our minds very often. For those of us who live in metropolitan areas, wolves are not a part of nature that we anticipate having much interaction with. However, humans have a long history of encroaching on the natural habits of regional animals and species. The fact of the matter is—we're the bigger breed. We have the power and ability to take over spaces and put them to our own use without any regard for those who might have been there in the first place. And, sadly enough, this is something humans have done for many, many years now.
Coyote trotting through suburban neighborhood

The grey wolf is one population that has been severely disrupted by human expansion and construction. At one time, gray wolves were the world's most dispersed mammal, living in most all areas of the Northern latitude. Today the gray wolf is an endangered species in the United States and has been forced into small pockets of "livable" habitats. This isolation is a direct result of human overpopulation and overgrowth. As we continue to build our own "habitats" in the natural environment of the gray wolf, they are forced into a smaller and smaller region. This poses worrisome problems to both the wolf population and our human establishments.

With humans building their towns, homes, ranches, and lives in areas that were once natural habitats to wolves, we are coming into contact with the creatures more often. Wolves are not animals that seek human interaction. Shy and skittish, wolves desire a habitat that is heavily wooded and secluded from humans. Unfortunately, urban growth has greatly reduced the amount of available natural resources for wolves and has forced them to live in closer proximity to us and forced them to seek resources and food from our own communities.

Black Bear wandering from woods into suburban backyard

Today, with an influx of interest in "green" living and "green" building, construction managers and builders are more concerned with preserving natural environments during their construction projects than they have been in the past. While this effort and interest is not directly related to the encroachment that has taken place on the wolf population in the US, it can help the problem to some degree. Better awareness about our building and constructions' impact on natural habitats and species is a step in the right direction.

This is a guest post by Kristie Lewis from construction management degree. You can reach her at: Kristie.Lewis81 @ gmail. Com.


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