Sunday, November 25, 2012

The 2nd Ocelot confirmed to be living in Arizona since the mid 1960's has been spotted twice in the past two years and appears to robust and healthy...............Is there a mate for him/her out there in the Huachuca Mountains?

Wildlife officials say ocelot in Huachuca Mountains appears to be same one spotted in 2011

TUCSON, Ariz. — State wildlife officials say recent photographs taken by a hunter of an ocelot appear to show the endangered cat is the same one spotted in the Huachuca Mountains last year.
The Arizona Game and Fish Department says the latest photographs provided to the agency show the animal has grown, gained weight and appears healthy. The agency says the pictures will be reviewed by other experts to confirm its findings.
Wildlife officials say the sighting is promising given the limited number of ocelots in the wild.
The small spotted cats with a long tail have been listed as endangered since 1982 under the federal Endangered Species Act.
Only one other ocelot has been confirmed in Arizona since the mid-1960s and that animal was run over near Globe in April 2010.

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