Thursday, February 21, 2013

Contributor to this blog and our friend Jay Mallonee sharing a soon to be released article that he has written which qualifies and reinforces what George Wuerthner has written recently(posted this week on this blog) about the insanity and lack of sound science that surrounds Wolf Managemnt in the Northern Rockies............We thank Jay for this article and encourage all of you to go to the blog and click on the link to read in full

-----Original Message-----
From: Jay Mallonee []
Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2013 3:06 PM
To: Matt Skoglund;; Christine Wilcox; Bill Baum; Ellen Horowitz; Tim Rubbert; Keith Hammer; Suzanne Stone; Derek Goldman; Ben Long; Dave Hadden; Susie Waldron; Meril, Rick
Subject: Published article on wolf management

Most of you know that I have been a wolf biologist in Montana for the past 20 years.  I also write for ActionLine, the magazine for Friends of Animals.  Enclosed in a PDF of the current article that has not actually come out yet, but will when the magazine is released within the next few weeks.

  The article is a review of the recent Environmental Assessment that all wolf management agencies in Montana signed off on.  Thought you might be interested, especially if you have read George Wuerthner's recent editorial about wolf management.  My article helps to qualify many of the points that he made.  Thanks.

Jay Mallonee
Wolf and Wildlife Studies
Kalispell, MT


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