Monday, April 29, 2013

The lastest information on Michigan's House of Representatives voting YES to allow a Wolf hunt in Michigan this year............Nancy Warren of and our friend Rachel Tilseth reporting on this sad turn of events

From: Rachel Tilseth []
Sent: Monday, April 29, 2013 06:58 PM
To: Meril, Rick
Subject: Fwd: [NATU] REVISED AGENDA: House Natural Resources Standing CommitteeMeeting

Just in from my friend/wolf advocate and reginal advisor Great
 lakes, Nancy Warren.
Her and I have been working on Wisconsin wolf recovery for
 over 2 decades. We were volunteer WDNR Winter Wolf
Trackers involved in monitoring the packs. We resigned
 when the wolf was delisted last year and made a game
animal. This is clearly a set back for all of us involved
in the wolf recovery program only as no science is
considered in these hunts.


Michigan votes YES to allow hunting and trapping of Wolves

About 3 pm this afternoon I called the office of Representative
 Andrea LaFontaine, Chair of the Natural Resources Committee.
  I asked if SB 288 would be heard by the committee tomorrow,
since it was not yet posted to the online agenda & I had not
 yet received any notification.  I was told the notice would be
issued by 6 pm - they are only required to give 18 hrs notice.

At 4:12, notification was received that SB 288 would be taken
 up by the committee tomorrow at noon.  I was told it will go to
 the full house on Thursday.  Despite our best efforts, Little Red
 Riding Hood is alive and well in the hearts of our Michigan
Legislators and their fear of appearing "anti-hunting" will likely
win out over democracy.

I expect SB 288 will be signed into law before the DNR
 NRC meets on 5/9

At this point, I am not certain of our next steps.

There will also be a meeting of the NRC Policy Committee
 on Wildlife and Fisheries on 5/8

Both meetings will be at Ralph A. MacMullan (RAM)
 Conference Center
104 Conservation Drive, Roscommon, MI 48653
(Au Sable Room)

5/8/2013 Meeting agenda NRC Policy Committee
12:00 p.m.
1. Wolf Presentation by William VanderZouwen,
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

2. Wolf Presentation by Dan Stark, Minnesota
Department of Natural Resources

3. Written testimony from outside experts.

Public Appearances

Here is the agenda for the Meeting on 5/9:

NRC Meeting

If you're unable to attend the meeting but wish to
submit written comments on Agenda items, please
write to: Natural

Resources Commission, P.O. Box 30028, Lansing,
MI 48909 or e-mail: .
 If you would like further

information or would like to address the Commission,
 please contact Debbie Whipple at 517-373-2352 or e-mail: . Persons registering on or
 before the Friday preceding the meeting will be allowed up to five (5)

minutes for their presentation. Persons registering after the Friday
 preceding the meeting or at the meeting will be allowed

up to three (3) minutes. Persons with disabilities needing
accommodations should contact Debbie Whipple

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