Friday, June 21, 2013

Outdoor writer and naturalist George Wuerthner, PREDATOR DEFENSE "captain" Brooks Fahy, Biologist John Laundre and many other contributors to this blog often cite their opinions on why they(and I) do not feel there is any justification in the 21ast century for hunting and trapping carnivores..............................And as we have seen in Yellowstone and other locales where Wolves reside, diseases such as mange and parvovirus in combination with space and prey restrictions bring an ebb and flow to Wolf populations that keep them in a rough equilibrium with the land.....................As Oregon has begun to repopulate with Wolves, Pavovirus has sprung up and is beginning to make it's impact felt..............................

Field Reports: Oregon wolf dies from parvovirus

 The first case of parvovirus in Oregon wolves has been documented by the Oregon State University Veterinary Diagnostic Lab.
The wolf known as OR19, found dead by Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife biologists on May 19, died of complications of canine parvovirus, according to the lab's preliminary report.
The disease is contagious in canids and usually fatal. Domestic dogs usually are protected by vaccinations, but parvo has been found in wolf populations throughout the West, causing short-term wolf declines, state officials said.

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