Long Term Trends in California's Deer Population
The graph below is a general representation of deer populations in California since 1800 and highlights a few of the significant events that have affected deer. During the period around 1850-1920, California wildlands were subject to high disturbance from logging, mining, fire, and grazing. These disturbances led to increased acreages of early successional vegetation (new, young plants) that deer thrive on. Deer populations increased to where overuse of range by deer became evident starting in the early 1930s. Since that time, with increased fire suppression and declining disturbance from mining, etc., the vegetation has matured and is not capable of supporting the previous high numbers of deer.
These changes began to show in the 1930s, with deer populations not reaching their peak until the 1960s. Dr. Tracy Storer, a noted ecologist from the University of California, had predicted such a change in a 1932 paper published in Ecology. The changes have not been instantaneous, rather, have taken several decades to become evident. This adds to the difficulty in making short-term predictions about wildlife populations.
Department biologists believe that long-term declines in habitat condition, starting in the 1930s and continuing today, are most responsible for the decline. Lack of habitat disturbance, especially from fire, has decreased habitat value for deer and other wildlife in much of the state's forested areas. Deer and numerous other wildlife thrive on early successional (seral) vegetation that grows back in the first few years after fire. Without periodic fire, the habitat becomes old, or “decadent,” and is unable to support wildlife populations of the past. Indirect consequences, such as increasing competition with livestock and overuse of ranges by deer themselves, are typical. Deer hunters can also attest that fewer deer in the woods is also result.
“Abundant” refers to deer populations of 700,000-1,000,000; “Common” refers to deer populations between 400,000-700,000; and “Scarce” refers to populations lower than 400,000 animals.
California deer face more challenges than ever
The strange saga of California's deer herds is in the spotlight again this weekend as fall hunting season nears.
Deer numbers statewide are down 80 percent, a new invasive louse is causing deer baldness on the San Francisco Peninsula and in parts of the Sierra foothills, and predation of fawns by mountain lions and bears is taking out a higher percentage of the herds than ever.
Yet the high numbers of small black-tailed deer near civilization can make it seem that there are more deer than ever, and in turn, create the illusion that there is no need for concern or steps to conserve the deer.
This story returns to the forefront as the Tuolumne Herd, already under siege from lice, will try to survive into next year with much of their wintering habitat and ground feed incinerated north of Groveland by the 257,000-acre Rim Fire.
Meanwhile, the mountain hunting seasons open this weekend and next across most of theSierra Nevada and Northern California, where prospects are slim for most.
Here are the latest notes from afield:
Deer numbers: The Department of Fish and Wildlife estimates there are now 445,000 deer in California, down from 2 million in the 1960s and 850,000 in the 1990s.
Your local deer: Many deer now spend their entire lives in a 5-mile radius, often in local parks, golf courses and the backyards of foothills homes.
Car vs. deer: Your odds of hitting a deer with your car in California are roughly 1 in 1,046, according to State Farm Insurance.
Hunter vs. deer: In the central Sierra Nevada, the odds of a hunter getting a deer this season are estimated at 4 to 15 percent; in the state's northern mountains, the odds are 15 to 24 percent. Most people don't realize how poor the success rate is even among avid, skilled woodsmen who know how to track and stalk game trails.
No migration: The once-great deer herds of the Sierra Nevada, which migrated from the Sierra crest to wintering grounds in the foothills each fall, are gone. Heavy traffic on highways, new subdivisions and shopping centers have blocked their routes and diminished their winter habitat.
Predation: One study captured 96 healthy fawns and tracked them for seven years; of those killed by predators, 49 percent were killed by mountain lions, 27 percent by coyotes and 22 percent by bears. In other studies, bear predation of fawns has been much higher. Another study equipped 25 adult does with radio collars; in three years, 11 were killed by mountain lions, one by coyotes.
Habitat loss: For 30 years, California's population growth has converted about 75,000 acres of wildlife habitat per year to housing, a loss of 2.25 million acres of places where wildlife can no longer live.
Diminished habitat quality: In many national forests, diverse ecosystems were cut down and replanted with conifer monocultures. With few hardwoods and less material to browse in second-growth forests, food for wildlife has been reduced. With that, overall nutrition for deer can be poor, which can bring reduced survival rates and antler growth.
Deer baldness: In 2009, biologists found a deer in the Sierra Nevada foothills in Tuolumne County that died from an infestation of non-native lice that caused baldness and internal parasites. A similarly infected deer was found on the San Francisco Peninsula. Since then, roughly 600 deer carcasses have been found showing the affliction. At this point, there is no cure.
Rim Fire: The same area with the highest incidence of non-native deer lice, the Tuolumne foothills, is the same area where the Rim Fire turned deer winter habitat into a moonscape. With no food, the deer are likely to crowd into areas outside the burn area, thereby increasing the ability to pass the non-native lice to other deer.
Drought: Two straight years of subaverage rain and snow across the state have led to poor soil moisture levels in many areas, and in turn, poor growth of vegetation and browse that deer, especially fawns, need for food to survive.
Low buck-doe ratios: In the Sierra foothills, low fawn survival from drought and predation means fewer bucks reach adulthood. For instance, the buck-to-doe ratio in Zone D-8 (mostly located in Sequoia National Forest) is roughly only 20 bucks per 100 deer.
Illegal pot grows: Scientists have not quantified the damage that the high number of illegal pot grows in national forests have on deer. But game wardens have verified illegal traps, poisons and poaching - and common sense would say, based on the scope of the operations, there has to be a collective impact.
Passion for the sport: Some avid hunters hike, spot and stalk for days. For them, camping, fair chase and woodsman skills are paramount in the low-odds attempt to get a buck. Surveys show that these hunters have more passion for their activity than those in any other outdoor sport.
Erosion of hunter skills: At the other extreme, some hunters go "deer trolling" by driving on Forest Service roads in pickup trucks, with sofas in the back and rifles on their laps. It's no wonder some people reject the idea that hunting is an ethical, fair-chase pursuit.
Deer openers: This weekend, the mountain deer season opens for rifle hunting in the central Sierra Nevada for most D zones, and in the northern part of the state for most B and C zones. A few other zones open next weekend. The X zones, located mostly on the eastern side of the Sierra and Cascade ranges, open the first Saturday of October.
Deer revenue: Money for deer management and wildlife restoration funds come primarily from the sales of deer tags. Last year, 182,000 tags were sold, which continued a long-term decline, but sales still helped generate $300,000 for the Department of Fish and Wildlife.
Tom Stienstra is The San Francisco Chronicle's outdoors writer.
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