Saturday, March 29, 2014

The State of Maine has wanted to drastically reduce it's Eastern Coyote population over the past 6 years as the states deer herd contracted due to severe winters............This is always the knee-jerk reaction of State Game Commissions who are pressured by the hunters who pay their salaries through deer license sales...............KIll, Kill, Kill the carnivores because the deer are not readily available like "twizzlers" at the corner candy store...............Lo and behold, the doomsday predictions of deer "going, going gone" have not come true, even with another hard 2013-14 winter just coming to a close.....18,000-36.000 deer have been shot by hunters over the past 15 years with 22,000 taken down in 2012-13............With an estimated herd of 150-200,000 deer, the Maine Game Commission is only letting 11-15% of the herd be killed by hunters,,,,,,,,,,,Even if Coyotes and Bears killed the same number as human hunters, the herd would only lose 22-30% of it's total numbers, hardly debilitating for a hoofed browser like white tail deer..............Maine Deer biologist Kyle Ravana gleefully saids this about deer numbers------“Our harvest has been increasing since the hard winters of 2008 and 2009".......... "For all intents and purposes, I think our population is back to what it was before those winters"..............“There are going to be some hard times, but the deer have the ability to get through those hard times pointing out that the state’s deer have evolved to be able to survive here"...................... “Through proper management, good, sound management, we can help them get through those tough times.”.


Biologist expects 

banner Maine 

deer season

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