Monday, December 22, 2014

NEW HAMPSHIRE FISH AND GAME OFFICIALS estimate that there are roughly 5,000 bears statewide................If this is a true count, then New Hampshire averages about 0.5 bears/square mile.........Compare this to almost 3 bears per square mile in northern NJ prior to the hunting of them 5 years ago and The Smokey Mountain National Park Virginia density of 2 bruins per square mile............So, at 0.5 per square mile, we question the need for N.H. hunters to bait and use hounds during the Bear hunting season..........If the population estimate is correct, N.H. hunters killed roughly 15 % of the population with 45% of those killed being female bruins,,,,,,,,,,,,,This current hunt is up 20% overr the the past 5 year average enabling State biologists to claim that even with this high female to male killing paradigm, the baiting and the hounding, that New Hampshire's Bears numbers are increasing..................All these statistics can make your head go on tilt,,,,,,,,,,,Once again, killing statistics versus ecosystem services statistics ruling the day in almost every state in America when it comes to any discussions on how best to manage carnivores...............This must change if we are to manage our woodlands for optimum biotic health

Photo courtesy of Sharon Fiedler


The 2014 bear season finished with a harvest tally of 784, representing a 20 percent increase over the preceding five-year average of 653 bears.
This represented a good harvest, one that was consistent with regional management goals, according to Fish and Game Bear Biologist Andrew Timmins.
The harvest sex ratio was 428 males to 356 females.
This was similar to past ratios and in line with management objectives.  The increased harvest resulted from several factors, including a strong bear population, a continued shift in hunters using methods that yield higher success, an abundant acorn crop and extended hunting opportunity in select regions, Timmins explained.

Bear populations are generally consistent with current goals in most parts of New Hampshire, however, populations in some regions are either above or below goal.
“There are good bear numbers in most areas, which has resulted in increased hunter interest and participation,” said Timmins.
"The number of hunters using bait continues to grow; this method now accounts for 50-60 percent of the annual bear harvest. Recently, there has also been an increase in hound hunting, particularly among nonresident hunters."
Houndsmen achieved a record harvest this past fall, with 117 bears. However this group continues to take the lowest percentage of the total annual harvest.

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