Thursday, December 25, 2014

The Chicago Tribune's Editorial Staff has a spot-on Christmas morning message for all of us today: "Black bear, wolf, cougar; Majestic apex predators shouldn't be up for dibs to the first hunter who sees them"............."These rare creatures belong to every resident of Illinois, not just to trophy hunters"......................Perfectly said, and what better time than Christmas(good will toward all creatures) for this call to action asking Illinois Govenor Pat Quinn to veto the bill reinstating the hunting and trapping of the just recovering Bobcat population in his state............Mr. Quinn recently protected Wolves, Black Bears and Pumas, putting them on the state endangered list(for when they return naturally or are rewilded)..............Same sentiment and reasoning should have him reject the Bobcat killing bill in front of him,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,No reason to "cull/harvest"(hate these domestic livestock terms to describe killing wildlife) the "Bobs" which are just in a comeback phase in the LAND OF LINCOLN...........Gov. Quinn, use the D.C. Federal Judge who just protected Wolves in the Great Lakes as your holiday inspiration to do right by a wild creature that actually does exist in your domain,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Let them keep on existing and grow in numbers that allow it to spread out across your great state and fulfill it's "healthy land" function of controlling rats, rabbits, squirrels and other small rodents and mammals...................MERRY CHRISTMAS BLOG READERS!


Don't backtrack on bobcats, Governor

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