Thursday, August 27, 2015

The Advocacy Group, THE WILDLANDS NETWORK-which I am a member), the world famous biologist E.O. Wilson and many other biologists and naturalists have put forth a proposal to set aside half the Planet for the preservation of biological diversity.............I and many of you rearders might share the following thought: We hope that such a dream could become reality and yet find it hard to imagine such a reality taking place when it seems like every piece of open space is being chewed up for housing, industry and agriculture for the current 7 billion(projected 9-10 billion in the year 2100) humans that call our planet home............People like The Wildlands Network Dave Foreman and Dr. Wilson's argument for "half-Earth rewilding" references the need for humanity to develop an ethic that cares about planetary life, and does not place the wants and needs of a single species (Homo sapiens sapiens) above the well-being of all other species...............I am pleased to say that the Restoration Manifesto of my Blog takes it's inspiration from Dr. Wilson, Mr.Foreman, David Foster (Harvard Forest), George Wuerthner and countless other committed Scientists and Outdoor Advocates who have had the "LEOPOLDIAN" vision to stay the course in advocating for this 50% plan to become a reality.......Let us all stay the course and find a way to make it a reality!


Setting Aside Half The Earth For ‘Rewilding’: The Ethical Dimension

August 27, 2015 | by William LynnWilliam S. Lynn, Ph.D. (Bill), is a research scientist in the George Perkins Marsh Institute at Clark University, Senior Fellow for Ethics and Public Policy in the Center for Urban Resiliance at Loyola Marymount University, and former Director of the Masters in Animals and Public Policy (MAPP) program at Tufts University.
His research and teaching focus on ethics and public policy, with an emphasis on animals, the environment and sustainability. Standing astride the environmental humanities and social sciences, Bill uses ethics and interpretive policy analysis to explore how moral norms shape public policy.

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