Thursday, September 3, 2015

$33 million is the estimate from the California State Road folks(Caltrans) to build the needed wildlife crossing near the Liberty Canyon Exit on the 101 Freeway(Agoura, California)........... A scant 30 miles north of downtown Los Angeles, this connective "green artery" would allow the movement of Pumas, Coyotes, Foxes and who knows, maybe even Wolves one day across the Los Angeles region..........Public comments will continue into 2017 regarding how to fund the project.............We need the Leonardo Decaprio's, Robert Redford's and other well intended and vocal Hollywood activists to contribute a good chunk of this money, so as for the project to become reality.........What a legacy for those with the $$ to be philanthropic and make this wildlife crossing real................State agencies, elected officials and wildlife advocates have urged the state to provide the much-needed link in an area where rampant development and highways have fragmented once-continuous habitat........... This proposed 165-foot-wide, 200-foot-long overpass near Liberty Canyon Road would connect the Santa Monica Mountains on the south with the Simi Hills and Santa Susana Mountains and beyond going north

Above: Artist rendition of the proposed Lindero Canyon
wildlife overpass

Caltrans proposes wildlife overpass on 101 Freeway



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