Sunday, September 27, 2015

New Hampshire has been seeing their Bobcat population grow over the last 40 years.........Once hunted almost to extinction,. Wildlife experts say bobcats have been reported in every city and town in the state, and some estimates put their numbers in the thousands........Between 1935 and 1971, Connecticut put a bounty for killing a bobcat............... That changed in 1972, when the state made trapping or shooting them for sport or for their highly prized pelts, illegal.......................Reports of bobcat sightings have risen steadily over the past 20 years, from about 65 a year in the early 1990s to more than 200 currently..........Fish and Wildlife Officials are now seeking to trap as many "Bobs" as they can, tag them and then seek to monitor their habits so as to better determine an accurate population count and how they utilize the mixed forest, field, suburban and urban mosaic of the state-----------# New Hampshire Bobcat study. # Bobcats

Resurgent Bobcats Prompt State To Study Habitat, Population

 can kill adult deer via ambush

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