Tuesday, May 31, 2016

All animals will take advantage of "groomed trails" to move across the landscape,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,In the Codroy Valley in Newfoundland, Canada, the Lynx below was seen crossing the massive Codroy Bridge over the Memorial Day weekend...................So now you know how Coyotes periodically make it into Central Park, New York City,,,,,,They cross one of the bridges from the Bronx (over the Harlem River) into Manhattan and/or they follow the Amtrak railroad tracks from Westchester into the Bronx and then on into Manhattan


Lynx spotted in

 Codroy Valley

Bryan Taitbryan.tait@tc.tcPublished on May 30, 2016
Ryan Moore photographed this lynx crossing the Grand
 Codroy bridge on May 26. The animal was seen again
crossing the same bridge on May 30.
©Ryan Moore photo

A lynx has been spotted twice in the Codroy 

Valley in the last few days.

The animal was photographed on May 26 crossing the Grand
 Codroy bridge near Belanger Memorial School, and was
seen again on May 30 in the same location.

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