Monday, June 27, 2016

Is it possible the the USFW Service feels that it's initial proclamation that "the Puma is extinct in the East" was premature,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Or is it as our friend, Endangered Species Specialist Mark McCollough states below-----simply "unfinished Peer Review assessment needed before the Puma is declared extinct in the East and delisted from the Endangered Species list?...............Since many Puma biologists consider the Puma to be one species throughout North America(not an eastern subspecies as the USFW is postulating), might "independent (biologist) experts" stir up enough dust to keep the Puma listed east of the Mississippi River?..............There have been several reputable analyses done by biologists showing definitively(deer, road, human population and continuous habitat variables) that suitable habitat for Pumas does exist in various parts of the Appalachian Spine as well as in NY State and New England..................How about the Feds keep Pumas protected until recolonization or rewilding of those haunts take place by our "Ghost Cats?"

Subject: Eastern Cougar listing reopened comment period

On June 28, 2016, the Service will publish a Federal Register notice  to reopen the comment period on the 2015 proposed rule to delist the eastern cougar in order to seek review from independent experts, as required by our 1994 peer review policy.  Although we intended to do this when the proposed rule was first published, we were unable to complete peer review during the previous comment period.  Thus, we are providing an additional 30 days to obtain independent review of our scientific analysis. 

With 100-200 Pumas in Florida and suitable habitat in the
Appalachian Mountains north up into NY and Maine, why
is the USFW Service so hellbent on delisting our "Ghost Cat, for
many biologists, the same feline that exists in the Western USA?

As a matter of procedure, reopening the comment period will also allow an opportunity for additional general review.  We are emphasizing, however, that previous comments need not be resubmitted because they are already part of the administrative record and will be fully considered in our review.  We anticipate making a final decision on the delisting proposal within the next few months.

Today, the notice will be in the Federal Register's electronic reading room here:
On Tuesday, the notice will be in the Federal Register here:

Additional comments can be submitted starting on June 28 through July 282016 at under docket no. FWS–R5–ES–2015–0001.    

Please do not hesitate to contact me or Krishna Gifford,  413-253-8619, with questions.

Mark McCollough, Ph.D.
Endangered Species Specialist
US Fish and Wildlife Service​
Maine Fish and Wildlife Service Complex

Ecological Services

Maine Field Office

P.O. Box A (mailing address)

306 Hatchery Road (physical address)

East Orland, Maine 04431
Telephone: (207) 469-7300,​ Extension 1115

​Fax: (207) 469-6725
Cell Phone: 207 944-5709

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