Friday, June 24, 2016

"Hydroelectric and reservoir dams are coming under fire for their wholesale changes to the natural environment and therefore spawning an appreciation for the benefits of beaver dams" ........."Beaver dams.are natures reservoirs, pooling water that leads to a cascade of keystone ecological changes"............... "The pond nourishes young willows, aspens and other trees — prime beaver food — and provides a haven for fish that like slow-flowing water"............ "The growth of grass and shrubs alongside the pond improves habitat for songbirds, deer and elk".............And for us human animals living in the arid western states, beaver dams do what all dams do----hold back water that would otherwise drain away without the habitat destruction that our hydroelectric dams bring about-.............Lets bust the artifical dams and bring on the Beaver Dams

In Washington State, beavers are being trapped
 and relocated
 to the headwaters of the Yakima River
CreditManuel Valdes/
Associated Press



on Beavers - 

The New



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