Less than 30 days left to protect grizzly bears
Demand a healthy future for Yellowstone grizzlies -- tell USFWS to stop the delisting! Speak up for the bears, before it's too late.
Dear Rick,
Once again, the 700 grizzly bears living in the Greater Yellowstone region need your help!
Thanks to protections under the Endangered Species Act (ESA), grizzly bears have begun to rebound in the Greater Yellowstone area! Sadly, they are now facing U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's (USFWS)'s bad proposal to remove ESA protections and allow states to manage the small but iconic population.
Do we want this if delisting of Grizzlies becomes law?
The plans proposed by Wyoming, Idaho and Montana wildlife managers are sobering. They do not want responsibility for protecting the 700 grizzlies in the area, maintaining and protecting potential grizzly routes, or any sort of federal oversight to ensure the grizzly bear population does not decrease. Some plans even allow hunting of essential female bears as a form of "management".
States are uninterested in continuing grizzly bear recovery, so how can USFWS expect you to trust them with the future of this iconic population? It's clear this is a bad idea.
Tell USFWS Director Dan Ashe to keep Yellowstone grizzly bears on the endangered species list. The bears are running out of time, so send your message today!
Greater Yellowstone grizzly bears are already facing extreme challenges -- losing sources of traditional food due to climate change, development shrinking their habitat, and increased preventable conflicts with hunters and ranchers. Delisting the grizzly bear would be the ultimate challenge, as state leaders have a very different vision for these bears -- one that would allow trophy hunting and hinder access to other grizzly bears.
I would prefer to see Griz stay Protected and allowed to roam and
secure more territory and expand in numbers before delisting occurs
It is vital that grizzly bears continue on the path to full recovery so they don't slide back toward extinction. Unfortunately, the management plans proposed by states focus more on how many grizzly bears can be hunted rather than how to help these bears flourish in the Greater Yellowstone region. Grizzly bears deserve better -- but time is running out. This spring, over 100,000 of you took action for the bears, but as dangerously inadequate state grizzly management plans come to light, it's obvious that we must keep fighting!
We don't have much time left to stop USFWS from handing vulnerable Yellowstone grizzlies over to hostile states. Take action before it's too late!
Thanks for all that you do to protect grizzly bears,
Dan Chu Director, Our Wild America Sierra Club
P.S. Please share this with your friends and family to help protect vulnerable grizzly bears
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