Thursday, July 11, 2019

"Colorado Parks and Wildlife is working to confirm two possible gray wolf sightings in Jackson and Grand counties in northern Colorado"...........The last wild breeding wolves were extirpated from the state in the 1940's.........Biologists are speculating that this "radio-collared" Wolf treked down from the Yellowstone-Teton range in the Greater Yellowstone range of Wyoming

Jackson County, Colorado Gray Wolf sighting from this past weekend,
July 6-7, 2019

 Two possible wolf sightings in Jackson, Grand counties, Colorado

Associated Press; 7/9/19

Colorado Parks and Wildlife is working to confirm two possible gray wolf sightings in Jackson and Grand counties in northern Colorado.
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You may have seen our wolf sighting tweet earlier this evening.

We accidentally shared the wrong wolf sighting photo. Here are the correct ones from over the weekend. (note the tracking collar)

As we continue to get more information we will share it.
The Coloradoan reports that someone sent the agency a photo that might show a radio-collared wolf near Walden in Jackson County.
Biologists are trying to confirm another recent sighting just to the south in Grand County.
On Tuesday, Gov. Jared Polis tweeted video of the possible wolf sighting.
Gray wolves were native to Colorado but were hunted to near extinction by the 1940s.
Spokeswoman Rebecca Ferrell says the Jackson County animal might have wandered from nearby Wyoming, one of several states where the wolf has been reintroduced.
The last confirmed Colorado wolf sightings were near Walden in 2015.
In all, there are about 6,000 gray wolves in the Northern Rockies, Pacific Northwest and Western Great Lakes.

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