Monday, August 5, 2019

Well-manicured grass lawns have long been associated with the American Dream, but a growing "rewilding" movement now seeks to reclaim yard space for nature............My own California yard is now a CERTIFIED WILDLIFE HABITAT as defined by the National Wildlife Federation, offering food, cover, water and a place to raise young....................By ripping out a good 40% of my front and back lawn and planting native trees, shrubs and flowers, the quality of my yard's habitat changed, attracting mammals, birds, reptiles and pollinators............It is fair to note that overcoming the American tradition of having a lawn in favor of letting nature take its course is not always an easy sell to your neighbors………….I am here to tell you that it is well worth the effort—for them, you and the creatures that we live among

click on link to read full article

music from the 1970's capturing the spirit of rewilding
The Outlaws-“Green Grass and High Tides forever”

Back to the wild: how 'ungardening' took root in America

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