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Grizzly bears, black bears, wolves, coyotes, cougars/ mountain lions,bobcats, wolverines, lynx, foxes, fishers and martens are the suite of carnivores that originally inhabited North America after the Pleistocene extinctions. This site invites research, commentary, point/counterpoint on that suite of native animals (predator and prey) that inhabited The Americas circa 1500-at the initial point of European exploration and subsequent colonization. Landscape ecology, journal accounts of explorers and frontiersmen, genetic evaluations of museum animals, peer reviewed 20th and 21st century research on various aspects of our "Wild America" as well as subjective commentary from expert and layman alike. All of the above being revealed and discussed with the underlying goal of one day seeing our Continent rewilded.....Where big enough swaths of open space exist with connective corridors to other large forest, meadow, mountain, valley, prairie, desert and chaparral wildlands.....Thereby enabling all of our historic fauna, including man, to live in a sustainable and healthy environment. - Blogger Rick

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Thursday, January 7, 2016

As in British Columbia, Ontario, Canada Ministry of Natural Resources Officials have the mistaken idea that killing Wolves is the answer to declining Moose populations and that killing Coyotes will actually reduce livestock deaths..............As we know, a warming environment bringing on parasites in combination with human alteration of habitat and an expansive moose hunting season are the root Moose limiting factors that need addressing,,,,,,,,,,And proper livestock husbandry that reduces open boneyards, increases the use of guard dogs are the first and most important step to coyote coexistence

The Ministry of Natural Resources proposes regulation changes to allow hunting of wolf and coyote under a small game license without requiring a separate game seal for animals harvested in Northern Ontario.
File photo

The Ministry of Natural Resources proposes regulation changes to allow
 hunting of wolf and coyote under a small game license without requiring 
a separate game seal for animals harvested in Northern Ontario. File phot

Proposed changes

 to wolf 

and coyote hunt 

garner mixed 

public response

 Miner and News

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Foresty (MNRF) invites the public to comment on proposed hunting regulation changes for wolf and coyote.

The ministry intends to allow the hunting of grey wolves, also known as timber wolves, and coyotes under small game licenses without requiring a separate game seal for the animals in Northern Ontario. If it is approved, the regulation changes would take effect in 2017, retaining the two animal limit on wolves while removing limitations on the harvest of coyotes.

The ministry wants to implement the proposed changes as a wildlife management tool under the Moose Project to “reduce predation and spur population growth” of the declining numbers of moose in the province. It will also address concerns by ranchers regarding livestock losses due to coyotes.

“Recent population surveys have shown declines in moose populations in many parts of Northern Ontario. Populations of grey wolves and their hybrids in Northern Ontario have been relatively stable,” MNRF states on the ER.

The proposal has so far received a mixed public response. Outdoors groups support the move while animal rights lobbyists condemn the initiative.

The Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters endorses the management of wolves and coyotes in northern Ontario as a way to increase hunting opportunities and help reduce wildlife conflicts.
“Ontario wolf populations represent one of the best protected and intact populations in Canada,” stated the OFAH on it’s website. “Coyotes are common and abundant across most settled areas of the province, are very adaptable and more tolerant of human disturbances than wolves.”

Meanwhile Wolves Ontario urges supporters to speak out against the wildlife management initiative it regards as misguided.
“Not only does this proposal fail to address moose declines, it continues to endanger at-risk eastern wolves living in central Ontario and encourages the unregulated slaughter of coyotes,” stated the organization.

People have until Jan. 18 to respond to the MNRF posting on the Environmental Registry.




01/04/2016 - 11:58
Ontario politicians should have looked west and saved themselves the trouble of asking the public to weigh in on their moose preservation plan. The government quietly put forward a regulation proposal on the province’s Environmental Registrylast month that would make it easier to kill wolves and coyotes for all hunters.
Moose populations have been in flux in recent years in Ontario due to several factors, notably the deadly combination of climate change, development and resource exploitation, and a wide open hunting season. While the bureaucrats organizing hunting regulations in the province have reduced the “calf harvest” available (yes, that is killing of juvenile moose), their plan now is to increase the number of potential predators killed each year.
This is eerily similar to the plan in British Columbia to protect endangered caribou populations by killing wolves – it is ignoring the primary causes of a population decline so that the loud hunting lobby is impacted the least. It should be noted that moose in Ontario are not considered a species at risk – loose population counts have indicated a decline.
The proposal on the table includes primarily focuses on the requirement of a “game seal” for hunters in Northern Ontario who want to kill wolves and coyotes. The proposal indicates that this requirement would be changed to holding a small game license – meaning every hunter in Northern Ontario could kill two wolves per season and as many coyotes as they wish. The reporting requirements would also be reduced, with hunters only needing to confirm kills – not hunting activity itself.
These proposed changes are being put forward at the whim of Ontario’s hunting and trapping lobby – not to do what is best for wolves, coyotes, and moose. The true factors of the moose population decline (development, under researched and treated disease, and ongoing hunting activity) are not appropriately addressed in the proposal, and that’s what we need you to tell the government.


While an online petition is circulating, the government of Ontario will not recognize it as a formal communication. The Environmental Registry, MPPs and Ministry leadership are key aspects of this kind of policy change and must be addressed. The commenting period for this proposal ends on January 18, 2016, so please get your comment in as soon as possible.
If you’re a resident of Ontario, you can access and comment directly on the Environmental Registry online.Click here to see the full proposal, click here to submit a comment, and click here to send it as an email instead.
Ontario MPPs
Your elected official does want to know what you have to say about these issues – and if they don’t,… well, tell them anyway. You can find your MPP by clicking here.
Ministry leadership
If you’re not a resident of Ontario, you can still take action – write to the leaders involved in this decision:Bill Mauro, Ministry of Natural Resources, and Kathleen Wynn, Premier of Ontario. Tell them that the way they treat their environment will be reflected in your business and personal decisions – such as a vacation or sourcing for manufacturing

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