Sunday, December 11, 2016

In todays age, certain Republican Congressmen are heard saying: "Sell off the federal lands, give them away to the states! Unload, transfer to local control, privatize!"........."A hundred years ago, Teddy Roosevelt, a great Republican president, understood that American landscapes had both tested and nurtured our uniquely American spirit, stubborn as it is, and that any citizen might find joy or solace in a day, or a night, spent outdoors"............... "That’s why he signed the Antiquities Act, in 1906, and used it to designate 15 national monuments, including Devils Tower, Muir Woods and one at the Grand Canyon, which later became a national park"............... "During the recent Presidential campaign, Donald Trump told Field & Stream magazine that he opposed divesting such holdings because “I want to keep the lands great, and you don’t know what the state is going to do"............" That particular resolve, if it holds firm, deserves our approval and support!"


It’s Our Land. Let’s Keep It That Way.

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Handles Peak Colorado

Cedars Breaks Ntl Monument, Utah

Mt. Ranier, Washington State

Great Smokey Mountains, Virginia
Image result for great smoky mtns

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