Saturday, December 10, 2016

The Virginia Congressman, Don Beyer, has introduced THE WILDLIFE CORRIDORS CONSERVATION ACT,,,,,,"If passed by both Houses of Congress and signed by the President(Obama or Trump), it would "help conserve the inter-connectedness of habitats of thousands of our nation's native species, boosting their resilience to climate change and maintaining the health of our country's diverse natural heritage"............."Wildlife corridors connecting core reserves are crucial since they increase the effective amount of habitat that is available for species and effectively reverse habitat fragmentation"............ "This is especially important for migratory animals and those with large home ranges"........... "Larger habitats support greater biodiversity, larger populations, and a wider range of food sources and shelter"............. "They also allow populations to interbreed, improving long-term genetic viability"

The Rewilding Institute

Rewilding Institute News

Link to The Rewilding Institute

Posted: 09 Dec 2016 03:31 PM PST
by Susan Holmes and Katie Davis, of Wildlands 

Today we're celebrating an historic achievement
 in the work to protect wild nature in the United
 States. This morning, Rep. Don Beyer
 (D-VA-8th) introduced the Wildlife 
Corridors Conservation Act in Congress—
a legislative breakthrough decades in the
making. See our News Release.

The scientific community has long recognized
 that protection of isolated areas in the United
 States, like national parks, monuments and
wildlife refuges, is not enough to prevent the
decline of native wildlife. Scientists tell us that
 1 in 5 species in the U.S. is at risk of extinction—
hardwired natural behaviors like migration and
 the search for food and mates require
movement across large landscapes. Protected
islands of biodiversity, while important in their
 own right, do not address the increasingly
fragmented landscapes that confront wildlife
 when they start to roam as nature intended,
and as climate change requires.

So, it should come as no surprise that we're not
 the only ones celebrating this bill. Today, in
response to the introduction in Congress, none
 other than the great E.O. Wilson had this to say:
 "The Wildlife Corridors Conservation Act would
 provide the most important step of any single
 piece of legislation at the present time in…saving
 large swaths of America's wildlife and other fauna
and flora."
Wilson and other leading conservation scientists
signed a letter to Congress urging passage of
 the bill to "help conserve the interconnectedness
of habitats of thousands of our nation's native
species, boosting their resilience to climate change
 and maintaining the health of our country's
diverse natural heritage."

What would the act do that has everyone so excited?
First, and most importantly, it would establish the
 National Wildlife Corridors System, an
 administrative designation that would provide for
 the protection and restoration of native fish, wildlife
and plant species. Species have different reasons
 for moving across the landscape, but one thing is
 certain, wildlife will roam. By protecting landscape-
scale corridors, all wildlife get a better chance at
 long-term survival and recovery.

Second, it requires coordination between federal
agencies, states, local governments, NGOs and private
 landowners. Protecting large landscapes requires
 everyone to work together and this bill ensures that
 would happen.

Third, it creates a dedicated funding source, the
 Wildlife Corridors Stewardship and Protection
Fund, to support the management and work
required for this groundbreaking program to be
And finally, it would create the National Native
Species Habitats and Corridors Database – a
resource that would be used by scientists, land
 managers and the public to make sure the best
 available science is collected and used. We
believe everyone should have a chance to
participate in the fight to protect our wildlife.

We're proud to have worked on this impressive
legislation with Rep. Beyer, without whose
leadership and support this wouldn't have
 been possible. We encourage you to call Rep.
 Beyer and thank him for his leadership in
 introducing this bill (You can reach his
 office at (202) 225-4376).
But our work is just beginning. We have a
long fight ahead to get this through Congress
and onto the President's desk. We can't do it
 alone – you can help us today by donating
to support this effort and our other critical
work to protect wildlife corridors.

Stay up to date on the bill's progress and find
 out how you can take action in the coming
 year by following us on FacebookTwitter
 and Instagram.
You can find out more about the bill here.

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