Thursday, December 5, 2019

" Across the Americas, we kill more than 400,000 Coyotes a year"............"Despite this full-frontal assault, this adaptable predator is thriving beyond all expectations"............"Now, it's poised to enter South America!"............."Coyotes have dramatically expanded their range since 1900, carving out habitat in suburban and urban regions across the United States—including the greater Chicago, NYC and Washington, D.C, Montreal and Toronto. metro areas".............."Coyotes have colonized most of Central America in the past century".............."The Darién Gap, on the Panama-Colombia border is the final obstacle to their South American expansion"

We kill more than 400,000 a year, but this adaptable predator is thriving beyond all expectations. Now, it's poised to enter South America.

We kill more than 400,000 a year, but this adaptable predator is thriving beyond all expectations. Now, it's poised to enter South America.

Most Biologists prefer Eastern Coyote to the term Coywolf

The Eastern Coyote can range a good 15 pounds heavier than
the Western Coyote due to some 15% Eastern Wolf lineage

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