Tuesday, December 3, 2019

"Seismic lines, snowmobile trails, oil, gas and timber extraction and other human land altering activities fragment caribou habitat and facilitate their predator (wolf and black bear) movements(and killing success), simultaneously enhancing competition from white-tailed deer and moose".............."Restoring this altered habitat to optimum Caribou population carrying capacity is a long and drawn out affair that even when done in optimum fashion does not quickly mitigate predator impact on Caribou"............."Therefore, mitigation strategies that resist, or redirect Wolf, Bear, Deer and Moose movement where human land alteration has occurred can reduce the effects of those predators(and competing browsers) preying on Caribou".............."Therefore, by moving recreational snowmobiling trails, power lines et al. away from caribou habitat, may help draw wolves and bears away from caribou—thus, reducing those predators opportunistic killings of caribou-without the need to cull the Wolf and bear populations"


Disrupting wolf movement may be more effective at protecting caribou

More information: Jonah L. Keim et al, Estimating the intensity of use by interacting predators and prey using camera traps, Journal of Animal Ecology (2019). DOI: 10.1111/1365-2656.12960

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