Report: More bald eagles die on Michigan roads
Associated Press
Lansing— State and federal officials are cautioning motorists to be more aware of the presence of bald eagles on Michigan roads. The number of eagles killed by cars is on the rise over the past six years in the state, according to a joint news release from the Michigan wildlife officials and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.In addition to catching and eating fish, eagles commonly feed on dead animals, meaning they're often around road corridors where they scavenge on large road-kill such as deer, coyote, fox or raccoon.
"The bald eagle tells one of our nation's most revered conservation success stories, and although this species has recovered to sustainable levels, we must keep in mind that as numbers rise, so does the risk for mortality due to human interactions," said Jack Dingledine, an official with the Fish and Wildlife Service's East Lansing field office. The wildlife officials said eagles' scavenging behavior tends to increase during the winter months when ice develops on lakes and rivers, making foraging for fish more difficult. They said eagles sometimes feel threatened by the approach of vehicles and attempt to escape, leading them to cross the roadway into the path of oncoming traffic.
"There is no one solution that will completely eliminate vehicle-caused mortality in Michigan," Dingledine said in the statement. "But efforts from all sides, including help from the driving public, can reduce vehicle-caused eagle mortality."
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