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Grizzly bears, black bears, wolves, coyotes, cougars/ mountain lions,bobcats, wolverines, lynx, foxes, fishers and martens are the suite of carnivores that originally inhabited North America after the Pleistocene extinctions. This site invites research, commentary, point/counterpoint on that suite of native animals (predator and prey) that inhabited The Americas circa 1500-at the initial point of European exploration and subsequent colonization. Landscape ecology, journal accounts of explorers and frontiersmen, genetic evaluations of museum animals, peer reviewed 20th and 21st century research on various aspects of our "Wild America" as well as subjective commentary from expert and layman alike. All of the above being revealed and discussed with the underlying goal of one day seeing our Continent rewilded.....Where big enough swaths of open space exist with connective corridors to other large forest, meadow, mountain, valley, prairie, desert and chaparral wildlands.....Thereby enabling all of our historic fauna, including man, to live in a sustainable and healthy environment. - Blogger Rick

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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Exaggeration, braggadocio and plain tomfoolery were employed by Wolf hunters and the Ranchers who employed them to stoke the everyday citizen into fearing and demonizing Wolves...............Encouraging their absolute extermination wherever they were found to exist from early Colonial days right on up and into the early 20th Century-------Those fears and hatreds are very much alive in a segment of our population as the current calls for "Forever Wolf delisting" from Endangered Species consideration attest

Famous North American Wolves and
 the Credibility of Early Wildlife Literature
Philip S. Gipson, Warren B. Ballard,
 and Ronald M. Nowak
In early accounts, many famous wolves were reported to be
 older than they actually were, and the authors estimate that
 they did not live long enough to have caused purported
 damage to livestock and game animals. Some famous
 wolves may actually have been dogs, wolf-dog hybrids,
 or possibly coyote-dog hybrids. They document instances
 where early authors appeared to embellish or fabricate information.
Contemporary perceptions about gray wolves (Canis lupus) and red
wolves (C. rufus) were influenced by accounts of individual depredating
 wolves by Seton (1898, 1929, 1937), Bell (1921), Carhart and Young
 (1929), Graham (1938), Young and Goldman (1944), Young (1946, 1970),
 Wiley (1954), King (1965), Brown (1983), and others. Stanley P. Young, in
 particular, created lasting and negative perceptions about wolves among
 ranchers, hunters, and wildlife managers through his popular articles,
agriculture publications and 4 books*....Recent studies of public perceptions
 of wolf restoration attributed some of the fear and hatred of wolves to accounts
 of notorious livestock killers. Mech (1970) noted that a number of notorious
 wolves earned reputations for possessing almost supernatural qualities that
 allowed them to avoid capture by the best trappers.
Famous wolves commonly were recognized by unique tracks caused
 by injuries to their feet when they were caught in traps and escaped
. Wolves called "Old Two Toes," "Peg Leg," and "Club Foot" were
 widely known. Occasionally, a famous wolf such as "Three Toes"
 of Harding County, South Dakota was thought to be the last wolf
 in a region; consequently, it was credited with any local damage
 believed to have been caused by a wolf. Other famous wolves were
 known by unusual coloration, such as the "Phantom Wolf" that had
 a tawny pelt similar to a collie dog. Atypical behavior made other
 famous wolves easy to recognize: the "Custer Wolf" traveled
 with coyotes (C. latrans)....
Understanding of wolf-prey relationships has increased greatly during
 the past 20 years and reliable aging techniques for wolves have
 become available. These advances now allow for comparisons of
 current data with historical literature to determine the credibility of
 earlier accounts. We examine the credibility of early literature about
 famous North American gray wolves and the negative perceptions
 created by the literature that influenced wolf management at the time.
We searched literature from North America for reports of famous
 gray wolves. Based on published accounts summarized by Gipson
 and Ballard (1998), we estimated minimum periods of time during
 which depredations reportedly occurred, kill rates, and extent of
 damage, and we summarized the physical and behavioral
 characteristics of the wolves in question. We contacted museums
 and managers of private wildlife collections in the United States,
 Canada, and Mexico to locate skulls and mounted skins o
f famous wolves....
We compared the length of time that famous wolves
 reportedly damaged livestock and wild game to their
 estimated age at the time of death. Tooth wear was
 used to estimate wolf ages....When the literature
 provided only a minimum amount of time that a wolf
 was known to damage livestock, we assumed the
 minimum age of that wolf to be the period of reported
 depredation plus 1 year, because it is unlikely that a
 wolf younger than 1 year old would have been a serious
 predator of range livestock. This allowed us to evaluate
 whether famous wolves lived long enough to cause the
 damage attributed to them....
We summarized reported kill rates and consumption rates
 for wolves preying on wild ungulates and livestock from
recent literature. We then compared recently reported kill
 rates with depredation rates reported for famous wolves....
At least 59 famous gray wolves are reported to have existed in
North America during 1739 through 1958. The reputations of 56
 of these wolves were based on the purportedly significant amounts
 of damage they caused to livestock and wild game. We examined
 the skulls of 7 of the 56 wolves, and close-up photographs of the
 teeth of 3 additional mounted specimens, for age determination
 . Our estimates of age were significantly lower than the original
 estimates of age reported in the literature. Our estimates of age
 for the 10 wolves averaged 6.2 years whereas reported estimates
 averaged 10.6 years.
We calculated kill rates for 14 famous, depredating wolves
; each purportedly killed an average of 57 cattle annually.
 If these estimates were correct, then each wolf had an
 average of 48 kg of cattle flesh available per day. A famous
 wolf from Minnesota killed 1,200 deer over a 12-year period
, i.e., 100 deer each year. According to Fuller's (1989) estimate
 of 42 kg of edible flesh per deer, this would have provided
 approximately 11.5 kg of deer flesh to the wolf per day.
Most famous North American wolves lived in the relatively brief
 period from 1890 to 1930, although efforts to control wolves
 extend back to the colonial period....We traced the notoriety
 of 29 famous wolves to documents published by the U.S.
BiologicalSurvey and information supplied by its employees.
This information was developed to enhance support for
 predator-control programs....A technique used by district
 inspectors...was to write accounts of notorious wolves and
 use these accounts to develop support for their program....
Publications by naturalist writers...were a second
 source of notoriety for individual wolves. These were
written to appeal to the public, hunters, livestock
 producers, and natural resource managers. Seton
(1898) was the first of the naturalist writers to publish
 accounts about notorious wolves. His account of the
New Mexican wolves, Lobo and Blanca, was popular
 throughout the world, and, during the 1960s, a
 full-length Disney movie was released about Lobo
and Blanca. Accounts of famous wolves by naturalist
 writers that followed Seton often originated from
 information provided by the U.S. Biological Survey
. For example, S.P. Young was an employee of the
 Biological Survey and a prolific writer, who based
 many of his wolf publications on records from the
Biological Survey....
Our age determinations for 10 notorious wolves, compared
 with the original reports of their age, suggests that most
 estimates of age provided by early writers were
 exaggerated. For example, Young (1970) claimed that
 Big Foot ranged between DeBeque and Grand Junction,
 Colorado for 17 years, a period equal to the longevity record
 for captive wolves, which seems highly unlikely....Mech (1988)
noted that a few wild wolves in Minnesota might reach
 13 years of age....
We found that reported damage to livestock in early
 accounts was far greater than recently documented
 wold kill rates of wild ungulates and domestic livestock
 in North America....One famous wolf, Lobo-Killer Wolf
of the North, reportedly preyed almost exclusively on
 deer and other wild game in Minnesota. From estimates
 of deer killed by the wolf, we calculated an average of
11.5 kg of deer flesh available to the wolf per day.
This estimate appears high when compared with the
 consumption rate of 2.9 kg of der flesh reported by
Fritts and Mech (1981), working in the same general
area of Minnesota during winter, when energy
 demands of wolves should be expected to be high.
We considered 3 possible explanations for the relatively
 high kill rates reported for famous wolves: (1) some famous
 wolves engaged in surplus killing of livestock and game,
 (2) a few famous wolves were wild dogs or wolf-dog hybrids,
 and (3) early authors exaggerated damage by famous wolves....
Surplus killing may provide a logical explanation for
 high kill rates on sheep, but not for cattle. During the
 period when famous wolves purportedly caused
 excessive damage on free-ranging cattle, the most
 commonly ranged breeds were longhorns and
 longhorn-Hereford crosses. Longhorn cattle were
 selected for their ability to defend themselves and
 their calves against predators. Most accounts of
 lone wolves surplus killing free-ranging longhorn
 cattle probably were exaggerated....
Some famous wolves may have been wild dogs, wolf-dog
hybrids, or coyote-dog hybrids, crosses commonly
 mistaken for wolves....Dogs and hybrids are sometimes
 aggressive and unpredictable when attacking sheep and
cattle, at times indiscriminately chasing and mutilating many
 individuals....Furthermore, some famous wolves had physical
 features or reproductive seasons that suggest hybridization
 with dogs.
Wolf-dog hybrids and wild dogs were encountered often
 during early predator-control operations. For example,
 in 1918 and 1919 Biological Survey inspectors for New
 Mexico and Arizona developed a cooperative plan to kill
 wolves, hybrids, and a pack of wild dogs....If, historically
, dogs and hybrids were often mistaken for wolves, then
 the high killing rates reported may have resulted, not
 from exaggerations, but attribution of kills to the wrong
 predator species.
Finally, high kill rates may be a result of exaggerated or
 misleading accounts of famous wolves. Seton (1929)
 admitted taking a "writer's liberty" in writing the stories
 of some individual wolves, attributing adventures to them
which actually belonged to other wolves....
Examination of evidence presented by Young and
 Goldman (1944) about "Three Toes" of Harding County,
 South Dakota suggests that parts of their account were
 fabricated. These authors indicated that [more than] 150
 men attempted to capture the wolf during a 13-year period
 during which it was believed to have killed [more than]
 $50,000 worth of livestock.....Nowak (1995) conducted
 a multivariate analysis comparing the skull of this wolf
 to wolves in other populations. He concluded that the
 wolf, which was significantly larger than other wolves
 from South Dakota and neighboring states, probably
 originated in Canada. It is possible that the wolf
 dispersed from Canada, or that the carcass of a large
 wolf with a missing toe was transported to South Dakota
 and presented as the legendary Three Toes. Although
 these cases are not directly applicable to the issue of
extraordinarily high kill rates attributed to famous
 damaging wolves, we believe they support our
 skepticism about the credibility of the historica
l accounts.


Dave Messineo said...

The reported kill rates of the "last wolves" may well have been extremely high and indeed dogs and dog wolf hybrids also may well have been responsible for many livestock kills.
According to reports I have read about the famous "last wolves", surplus killing by wolves occurred as a result of poisoning. These last wolves became aware of the lethal danger of strychnine poisoned carcasses. These "last wolves" survived only because they learned to make a kill and feed only once and never return to that killing of cattle increased as a result.
Also, these "last wolves" often mated with dogs because no other wolves were available and apparently the wolves were able to teach these dogs, their offspring as well as other wolves to eat only once at any kill and then abandon that carcass.

Coyotes, Wolves and Cougars forever said...

Dave..............all of what you say makes sense.........Wolves and Coyotes are fast learners and adapted to the intense poisoning regimine through "one-feast" kills.............just as remnant Eastern Wolves in Canada mated with western Coyotes in the early 20th Century(due to lack of female wolf mates), so is it likely that wolfdog pairings could have occurred in the intermountain West as available wolf mates were killed off from the land

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