In the past 200 years, the transformation that has taken place in the natural world of Tioga County, New York has been remarkable. We have collected fragments of our natural and environmental history from Gays Gazetteer of Tioga County (1785-1888) and from the Owego Gazette. Please enjoy our stories from the natural world.
"James Hanna's Encounter With the Last Wolf of the Plains"
from the Waverly Advocate
"In the early part of this country, or about sixty years ago, the fertile land of this valley which now yield such abundant harvest, and where now is situated the thriving towns of Waverly and its ambitious rival, Sayre, was covered with a dense forest of pine. This forest upon the Plain and upon the surrounding mountains, were the covert for deer and other game. In these forests also the cry of the catamount and the howl of the grey wolf were familiar sounds that none but an experienced hunter like James Hanna could hear without a shudder. Listening at night to these fearful cries and howls, mothers and children gathered in trembling circles at the fireside and awaited in agony the return of the husband and protector. But gradually, as the settlers cleared away the forest, these dreaded and destructive animals, like the natives of the country, fell back or were destroyed, until now no one remains in the Eastern and Middle States, except a few in Northern New York. It was found almost impossible to keep sheep in the sparse settlements; and bounties were offered of ten and twenty dollars a head for these destructive animals.from the Waverly Advocate
"In this valley the wolf found a formidable antagonist in the hunter, James Hanna, whose exploits in those days equaled anything we ever read, of the adventures of hunters and trappers in the Territories, except that James Hanna has no stain of human gore upon his garments and his trusty rifle was never used in wanton destruction of even animal life; but only to secure food for his family, or to rid the settlement of noxious birds and ravaging animals.
"About fifty years ago, and some time after the disappearance of the wolves from the valley, it was rumored that one bold fellow had returned and was committing ravages among the sheepfold. It was winter and the settlers had gathered their flocks near their homes, yet night after night some fold was invaded by the hungry and fearless wolf, and it was finally determined to rally a force of men and dogs and slay the savage brute. James Hanna was requested to join the party but declined, for James had a way of his own and did not approve of hunting in packs like wolves.
"A large number of men and dogs, however, set out upon a cold December morning. They had ascertained that the wolf had his lair in a windfall, at a spot quite near where now stands the fine mansion of Mr. Timothy Hireen, or the street leading from Waverly to Sayre, the only dwelling in that vicinity at that time being that of Mr. H. Murray. The party soon had their dogs upon the track of the wolf, and the whole day was spent in the pursuit. Now and again some dog would be met on the retreat, mangled and torn. At night the party returned from their fruitless pursuit, weary and hungry, leaving the wolf uninjured, far away upon the mountains, while almost every dog bore marks of the terrible fangs of the wolf. The next morning it was ascertained that the wolf undaunted by the persistent chase, had returned the same night, made a supper upon a fat weather [sic], and slept in his lair as if nothing had occurred to dispute his possession.
"The dogs used on the previous day, had been so roughly handled, that but few of them could be rallied for a second trial. A supply of fresh dogs, however, were found and another day's hunt was had with no better result, for the wolf, although driven miles away, was back to his lair the same night, making his supper this time, at the expense of his nearest neighbor, Mr. Murray. A third day with fresh dogs proved equally fruitless and disastrous; and in the three days hunt the wolf had placed at least twenty dogs hors du combat, eluded the sagacity of twenty men, and remained master of the situation. It was not until now, when the combined efforts of so many settlers had proved a failure, that James Hanna thought it worth his while to take a hand in the hunt; now, when men and dogs were out of the way and he could go about it in his own fashion.
"Hanna then possessed and still retains in his advanced years a genuine professional pride. He did not believe in taking any mean advantage even of a wolf and was waiting to meet his enemy on tolerably even footing, always making it certain, however, that his two trained dogs being guided by his great experience should win the battle. Accordingly calling to his assistance two trusty friends and with his two dogs, whose power and sagacity he had often tested, he was at the lair of the wolf by early dawn. An inch of snow had fallen during the night, which covering the tracks made the previous day, rendered it easy to trace the formidable enemy they were soon to encounter. On examining the lair, it was ascertained that the wolf had only left it as they come up.
"Hanna slipped the leash from his dogs and in a moment he heard the jaws of the wolf snap like the closing of a bear-trap. Alternate growls and snaps and yelps! One of the brave dogs received a terrible wound and retreated. On coming up, Hanna found the other dog had closed upon the monster and had him fast by the cheek. The rapid movement of the animals, whirling among the young bush-pines, rendered the use of the rifle impossible, without endangering the dog. The wounded dog could not be induced just then to again enter the fight. The wolf being unable to get his jaws upon his adroit antagonist, suddenly gathered his feet under him for a might effort and rising suddenly threw the dog ten feet into the air and instantly was hidden from Hanna in the thick bush.
"The dog, however, soon closed upon him and this time caught him by the ham. Another scene of rapid whirlings ensued and another break. By no effort was Hanna able to get a shot. Again the dog had the wolf by the ham, and fortunately in a clear open space. The wounded dog now joined in the fray. With that instinct which 'teaches' animals the vital parts of the body, both dogs fastened their jaws upon the wolf's throat. Hanna seeing his opportunity, aimed his rifle to give the brute the coup de grace; but in that dire emergency, that rifle, that never before had failed the hunter, failed him now! A loaded rifle is not a safe weapon to use as a club in a melee like this, even were there not other considerations such as injury to so precious a thing as a rifle, tried and trusted.
"In such moments, thought is quick, as in the act of dreaming. Close at hand stood a hard-pine sapling--a girdle--a snap--a few dexterous strokes of the hunter's knife, and a formidable weapon is ready. Crash came the blow upon the head of the wolf. Instantly the powerful muscles of the limbs and body relaxed. The wolf lay prone and helpless. The knife is thrust as near the jugular as the jaws of the dogs would permit. The dogs now drawn off, lay quivering and panting. In this moment of triumph, the vigilance of the man relaxed, but not that of the dogs. The wolf recovering from the shock given by the club, once more gathered all his force and with one might effort sprang away from his foes. It was a fruitless effort; not for one instant had the dogs turned their eyes from the powerful brute, and were again upon him long before their master and his assistants could collect their energies. "Then for the first time the animal gave forth that call by which his fellows are summoned in case of distress. No fellow however was within hearing of that cry. Like some Indian who seeks his early hunting and camping ground, this old wolf had returned alone, to the scenes of his younger days. Formerly, that cry which might have been heard a mile and more, would have assembled a multitude of his fellows. Hanna had known the time when it would have been unsafe to remain long in the locality of that cry of distress. Now, however, there was nothing to fear. This time, the knife did its work effectively and the lifeless body of the last wolf of the plains lay at the feet of the hunter, while men and dogs and the snow for a wide space around were crimsoned with his blood.
"At the place where this memorable contest occurred, we may no longer hear the howl of the wolf; but instead of that the Pan-like screech and bellow of a hundred engines, while sixty years ago, if heard in this quiet valley, would have frightened, not only wolves, but even settlers out of the valley. Upon or near the spot of that wolf's lair, now stands an elegant dwelling. There are not many survivors among the hardy race of men who leveled the forests of this valley, yet two of the three men, engaged in the adventure we have related, still survive vigorous, hearty, venerable and venerated men. Under favorable circumstances, James Hanna might have become as celebrated as Joseph Jefferson or John Owen. Now, at the age of 76 years, he betrays a tragic and comic way, which renders the narrative of his adventures as interesting as an acted drama."
W. F. W. [William Fiske Warner]Waverly, Feb. 9, 1875
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