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Grizzly bears, black bears, wolves, coyotes, cougars/ mountain lions,bobcats, wolverines, lynx, foxes, fishers and martens are the suite of carnivores that originally inhabited North America after the Pleistocene extinctions. This site invites research, commentary, point/counterpoint on that suite of native animals (predator and prey) that inhabited The Americas circa 1500-at the initial point of European exploration and subsequent colonization. Landscape ecology, journal accounts of explorers and frontiersmen, genetic evaluations of museum animals, peer reviewed 20th and 21st century research on various aspects of our "Wild America" as well as subjective commentary from expert and layman alike. All of the above being revealed and discussed with the underlying goal of one day seeing our Continent rewilded.....Where big enough swaths of open space exist with connective corridors to other large forest, meadow, mountain, valley, prairie, desert and chaparral wildlands.....Thereby enabling all of our historic fauna, including man, to live in a sustainable and healthy environment. - Blogger Rick

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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Carter Niemeyer clued me in tonight on what I am calling the "cowardly decision" by New Mexico Game Commission to bail out of the Mexican Wolf Reintroduction Program that they have been a partner in with USFW since 1999.......Now it is suddenly ok for the handful of people in the few regions across the continental USA that still have a small population of Wolves, Cougars and Grizz to feel it is ok to roll back the steady progress of rewilding that we have achieved since the middle 1960's?...........Have we all forgotten that the Wilderness Act, Endangered Species Act, Clean Water and Air Acts were all passed with Bi-Partisan support????............That Republican Nixon as well as Democrats Kennedy and Johnson all felt the environment needed to be restored..............that just 50 years ago, the environment was not an issue that was associated with conservative or liberal or independent thinker.......................It was an American issue, just like National Defense...............That Republican Teddy Roosevelt put aside more land for National Parks and Wildlife Preserves than any democratic President ...................That even being the big game hunter that he was, Roosevelt had an open mind and came to embrace the Aldo Leopold land ethic that stated that Carnivores as well as hoofed browsers should roam this great Country of ours.........And where is the alleged forward thinking President Obama on this issue???? In my opinion, he should be speaking out strongly against this Nazi-like propaganda snowball that a minority group of folks are ramming down our throats as it relates to ridding the land(again) of wolves, grizz and cougars............Time to get off our duffs and get back in the game...........I am not going to apologize for craving a "WILD AMERICA"..............Make the minority fringe apologize for them not craving a Wild America!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!........Let it be our task to get them to be "Roosevelt-like", exhibit some emotional inteligence and embrace wild carnivores as not being evil competitors, but instead being beneficial partners of ours in making the land healthier and truly "alive" with diversity(and all the genetic possibility for medical and food advancement that comes with diversity) for our childeren, grandchildren and all the generations to come over the millenia ahead

By Reyes Mata III/

The New Mexico State Game Commission voted unanimously today
 to suspend the Mexican Wolf Reintroduction program in the state.
"I would like to suspend it for a while, lets see how it lays out," said
Commissioner Thomas "Dick" Salopek. "Both sides have been
unhappy about the wolf recovery program. We have been keeping
peace between all people. So, you know what, if both sides are
 unhappy, then let's suspend it and let the federal government do it.
I am frustrated at both sides, especially with thefederal government

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Department - following the requirements
of the federal Endangered Species Act - looks for partners throughout
 the state to protect endangered species, like the Mexican wolf. The
 New Mexico State Game Commission has been a partner to protect
 the Mexican wolf since 1999. Today's regular meeting, which for the
 first time this year was in Las Cruces, sought to gather public opinion
 to help guide the state's wolf protection policy.
About 50 Mexican wolves are spread over New Mexico and Arizona.
Dan Williams, public information officer for the New Mexico
 Department of Game and Fish - a partner in coordinating the
 Mexican Wolf Reintroduction Program - said it was a "balanced"
 public comment session.

"But we will no longer be participating in the Mexican Wolf
reintroduction program," he said. "It's an argument that's been
 going on since 1999." June 30 will be last day the New Mexico
 Game and Fish Department participates in the program, he
 said. The sentiment expressed at the meeting was passionate.

"Hunting is under fire from every front," said Tom Klunke director
of the Southwest New Mexico Outfitters. He said the federal
 Endangered Species Act was used as a way to further a hidden
agenda."It's not about the endangered wolf, or the spotted owl,
" he said. Environmentalists "use that, very successfully, as a tool
 to remove humans from the land. They view the wilderness as
 something aesthetic, like a utopian playground. They want
 humans out of those areas."
Michael J. Robinson, a conservation advocate with the Center
 for Biological Diversity, bristled at that characterization.
"That's paranoid ranting," he said. "Animals, like the Mexican wolf,
 that are on the brink of extinction play an important role in the
 balance of nature. New Mexicans - both urban and rural - support
 the recovery of this beautiful, intelligent and social animal. These
 animals have been gravely persecuted."
Carol Fugagli, of Cliff, N.M., said she and her son were recently
 camping in the Gila Hot Springs when they "heard the mysterious
 and beautiful" howl of a wolf."I instantly got chills of excitement and
was stunned and filled with the beauty of the sound," she said.
"Unfortunately I have not heard the wolf cry again, but I don't want
 this to be a distant memory for my son. I want him to grow in an
environment where there is a full spectrum of biological diversity
so he can share similar experiences with his children.

"I feel (the wolves) are a highly valued and needed element (of nature).
My family does not feel that wolves are a threat to our safety in any way
. I don't think humans can pick and choose which animals should or
should not be in the wilderness."

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