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Grizzly bears, black bears, wolves, coyotes, cougars/ mountain lions,bobcats, wolverines, lynx, foxes, fishers and martens are the suite of carnivores that originally inhabited North America after the Pleistocene extinctions. This site invites research, commentary, point/counterpoint on that suite of native animals (predator and prey) that inhabited The Americas circa 1500-at the initial point of European exploration and subsequent colonization. Landscape ecology, journal accounts of explorers and frontiersmen, genetic evaluations of museum animals, peer reviewed 20th and 21st century research on various aspects of our "Wild America" as well as subjective commentary from expert and layman alike. All of the above being revealed and discussed with the underlying goal of one day seeing our Continent rewilded.....Where big enough swaths of open space exist with connective corridors to other large forest, meadow, mountain, valley, prairie, desert and chaparral wildlands.....Thereby enabling all of our historic fauna, including man, to live in a sustainable and healthy environment. - Blogger Rick

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Friday, June 24, 2011

Michigan Tech's John Vucetich and Josephg Bump......Michigan State's Michael Nelson along with our friend, Canadian Environmental Scientist Paul Pacquet make a forceful case regarding the flawed assumptions and tenets of the long-standing NORTH AMERICAN MODEL OF WILDLIFE CONSERVATION....................The model's misconception of history gives recreational hunters the sole credit for preventing the ravages of wildlife exploitation caused by commercial hunting in the 19th century...... "Recreational hunting was only one of several important factors that led to improved conservation in North America," the authors say. Since the 1960s, they point out; conservation efforts have been led by non-hunters and nature enthusiasts such as National Park visitors and bird-watchers..........This is the first time the North American Model has been challenged and the logic of Pacquet et al is logical and demands consideration as we travel through this current moment in history where ALL THINGS CARNIVORE are under siege by Hunting Groups, State Game Commissions and the U.S. House, Senate and Federal Branches......Can the "tag em and bag em" approach to Carnivore reduction be modified by a real review of our NORTH AMERICAN MODEL?????? I for one, sincerely hope so!

Scientists cast doubt on North America's hunting based conservation

 Often touted as the greatest environmental achievement of the 20th century, the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation is anything but, say wildlife ecologists and environmental ethicists from Michigan Technological University and Michigan State University. Writing in the summer 2011 issue of the journal The Wildlife Professional, Michigan Tech's John Vucetich and Joseph Bump, Michigan State's Michael Nelson, and Canadian environmental scientist Paul Paquet call the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation seriously flawed. The commentary is the first critique that the North American model has faced.

The North American model has been around as an idea for about a decade, and in that time it has become quite popular among some wildlife professionals. The model consists of two related approaches to conservation: a historical description of past conservation efforts and an ethical prescription for the future. "One rests upon an inadequate account of history and the other on an inadequate ethic," Vucetich and Nelson say flatly.

The model's misconception of history gives recreational hunters the sole credit for preventing the ravages of wildlife exploitation caused by commercial hunting in the 19th century. It cites the efforts of famous hunters such as Theodore Roosevelt. "Recreational hunting was only one of several important factors that led to improved conservation in North America," the authors say. Since the 1960s, they point out; conservation efforts have been led by non-hunters and nature enthusiasts such as National Park visitors and bird-watchers.
The historical narrative crediting recreational hunters with spearheading the drive for wildlife conservation in turn becomes the rationale for a belief that recreational hunting is necessary for wildlife conservation. Then that becomes a prescription for future conservation efforts.
The entire construct is misguided, say Nelson and Vucetich. "The principle of past behaviour is not, by itself, an appropriate justification for future behaviour," they explain. "Would you argue that society should perpetuate slave labour or gender discrimination simply because such practices are part of our history? Likewise it is wrong to conclude that hunting should play a central role in future conservation efforts simply because it has in the past."
Hunting interests conflict with conservation principles
The scientists also express concern that the interests of recreational hunters sometimes conflict with conservation principles. For example, they say, wildlife management conducted in the interest of hunters can lead to an overabundance of animals that people like to hunt, such as deer, and the extermination of predators that also provide a vital balance to the ecosystem.
Vuetich and Nelson examine the seven tenets of the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation:
  • Wildlife is held in the public trust.
  • Commerce in dead animals is illegal.
  • Wildlife use is allocated through law.
  • Hunting is an opportunity for all.
  • Wildlife may only be killed for legitimate reasons.
  • Wildlife is an international resource.
  • Science is the basis for wildlife protection.
"Consider the tenet that says wildlife may only be killed for legitimate reasons," the authors observe. "This principle is as basic and appropriate as it is void of useful insight about defining a legitimate purpose." The North American Model provides no further insight about what counts as legitimate, they note.
The scientists also raise a question about the final tenet, that science is the basis for wildlife protection. "This equates a desire for policies informed by science with science itself determining what policies ought to be adopted," they say. "Scientific facts about nature cannot, by themselves, determine how we ought to relate to nature or which policies are most appropriate."
What is conservation?
The authors emphasize that they have nothing against hunting. "If the North American Model's primary motivation was to promote hunting, and even if it did so transparently, the Model would still fall short," they say.
The model's greatest value, Vucetich and Nelson say, is that it calls attention to the need to confront a more basic question: What is conservation? "All of us should explore whether wildlife management and conservation are the same or whether they represent different, occasionally conflicting goals," they suggest. "We still need answers for key questions like: What does it mean for a population or ecosystem to be healthy? How does conservation relate to or conflict with other legitimate values, such as social justice, human liberty and concern for the welfare of the individual? Resolving these and other questions could provide a truly meaningful conservation model."
Courtesy of Michigan Technological University

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