different parks. In the top row of photos, a coyote
was calmly wandering along when a man and his
leashed puppy happily walk by. Neither of these
took any notice at all of the coyote in the near
distance. The coyote helped the situation by sitting
absolutely still among the tall grasses in which he
blended in well, and watching the duo walk by.
After they had moved on, so did the coyote,
ever so cautiously and silently.
In the bottom row of photos, is a coyote who
emerged in a green area where its camouflage
did not serve it well. There was a group of dog
walkers and their small dogs coming its way.
These walkers commented, happy to see wildlife
in the area. Although the coyote stopped and
watched them, it soon hurried on through the
very unprotected open space at almost a run,
stopping to sniff one spot -- in clear view of all
-- before moving on.
When it arrived at the end of the open field
where there was now some bushes and trees
which offered some protection, the coyote
turned around and sat to watch and see if
anyone was after him. No one was -- all
the dogs were leashed and calm -- so he
continued on his trekking undisturbed.

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