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Grizzly bears, black bears, wolves, coyotes, cougars/ mountain lions,bobcats, wolverines, lynx, foxes, fishers and martens are the suite of carnivores that originally inhabited North America after the Pleistocene extinctions. This site invites research, commentary, point/counterpoint on that suite of native animals (predator and prey) that inhabited The Americas circa 1500-at the initial point of European exploration and subsequent colonization. Landscape ecology, journal accounts of explorers and frontiersmen, genetic evaluations of museum animals, peer reviewed 20th and 21st century research on various aspects of our "Wild America" as well as subjective commentary from expert and layman alike. All of the above being revealed and discussed with the underlying goal of one day seeing our Continent rewilded.....Where big enough swaths of open space exist with connective corridors to other large forest, meadow, mountain, valley, prairie, desert and chaparral wildlands.....Thereby enabling all of our historic fauna, including man, to live in a sustainable and healthy environment. - Blogger Rick

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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Sadie Parr at the CANADIAN WOLF COALITION is seeking our support in halting the proposed SITE C DAM in the Peace River in British Columbia..............If built, this dam would destroy third-generation family farms. It would flood over 11,000 acres of agricultural land, including over 7,000 acres of exceptionally high quality Class 1 and Class 2 agricultural land, capable of a substantial contribution to future local food sustainability. It would also severely impact the narrowest point of the Yellowstone to Yukon wildlife conservation corridor and destroy unique ecosystems, species and microclimates of the Peace River Valley

Hello Canadian Wolf Coalition supporters,
Since you are all interested in healthy, intact wilderness which includes wild watersheds, here is some information on the Site C dam proposal in northeastern BC.  This proposal would further fragment land which is a crucial part of the Y2Y initiative.  This wildlife corridor is critical to wolves and other wildlife species for natural movements and gene flow.  It is becoming increasingly important to ensure these connections for wildlife remain intact as climate change is amongst us; animals are moving north and they need a way to get there. 

This dam has been proposed in order to send more energy north to facilitate the development of oil and gas extraction, boost Tar Sands production and export through the Enbridge Pipeline ( with the potential to contaminate the prisitine BC coastline, home to unique raincoast wolves and a myriad of other unique species, and provide energy for Coal Bed methane extraction in Northern BC.  All of these threats have HUGE impact on wolves and various wildlife species that call the area home.

Please see the action alert that the Y2Y put out last week, and a sample letter attached with contact information provided to howl against this.  Adding personal comments to the letter will give it more impact!  These comments are needed now.  Surveying has begun, and first nations as well as homesteaders have a great deal to lose as well as the wildlife. 

Thank you for your help!!

Saide Parr
Canadian Wolf Coalition
Honourable Bob Zimmer
MP for Prince George—Peace River
9916 100th Avenue
Fort St. John, British Columbia, V1J 1Y5

Honourable Peter Kent
Minister of Environment
10 Wellington Street, 28th Floor
Gatineau, Quebec, K1A 0H3

Dear Minister Kent,

Re:  CEAA Full Panel Review Request for Proposed Site C Dam on the Peace River in Northeast British Columbia

I am writing to request that BC Hydro's proposed Site C Dam, on the Peace River in north-eastern British Columbia, be subject to a full panel federal environmental assessment (EA).  

The project has recently been submitted for a provincial EA; however, the scope of the provincial process does not provide the opportunity to fully and adequately assess the diverse array of issues associated with this project.

This is a mega-project that spans multiple jurisdictions.  It will affect residents, navigable waterways, fisheries, wildlife, agriculture and First Nations' abilities to exercise their treaty rights in British Columbia, Alberta and the Northwest Territories.  The proposed dam would destroy third-generation family farms.  It would flood over 11,000 acres of agricultural land, including over 7,000 acres of exceptionally high quality Class 1 and Class 2 agricultural land, capable of a substantial contribution to future local food sustainability.  It would also severely impact the narrowest point of the Yellowstone to Yukon wildlife conservation corridor and destroy unique ecosystems, species and microclimates of the Peace River Valley.

In addition to the known environmental impacts, there is considerable concern regarding the instability of the clay-lined banks that comprise the proposed dam site and reservoir area.  The proposed 83 km long reservoir has notoriously unstable banks, with four major landslides having occurred in the past century.  To date, BC Hydro's engineering reports have not provided assurance that this critical issue can be managed effectively.  The slope instability could lead to a compromised reservoir and even dam failure, with catastrophic results; obliterating several downstream communities, bridges, gas and oil pipelines, and electrical transmission lines.

There are many viable alternatives that can provide the energy required to meet the needs of British Columbians that are both more cost effective and far less detrimental to our natural environment.  Options to be considered include:  wind, geothermal, upgrading of existing facilities close to the greatest sources of demand, and energy conservation.  A full panel federal EA is the process required to adequately consider not only the environmental impacts of this highly controversial project, but also the need for, and effective alternatives to, meeting the energy needs of British Columbia now and in the future.

It is your mandate to protect the Canadian environment from unreasonable human activity, and to protect humans from unacceptable environmental risk.  With that in mind, I am asking you to please ensure that BC Hydro's Proposed Site C Dam project and transmission development on the Peace River is subjected to a full panel review under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act.


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