But on Thursday, a new and particularly bitter dispute began playing out in a very different kind of judicial venue across the Canadian border: a provincial Supreme Court justice held a hearing into questions of whether a potentially lethal virus had been detected in wild Pacific salmon — and whether the Canadian government was responding adequately.

The virus, infectious salmon anemia, has devastated farmed Atlantic salmon stocks in Chile and elsewhere. Some conservationists and scientists have long worried that the virus would spread from farmed fish to wild ones. Those fears escalated in October, when opponents of British Columbia's ambitious farmed Atlantic salmon program, which is heavily promoted by the government, presented lab results they said showed an asymptomatic form of the virus in wild Pacific salmon.

Several more reports of the virus have emerged in the past two months, including a draft paper suggesting that the virus was detected as early as 2002 but not revealed by the government, further angering farming opponents.

The developments have prompted passionate debate on both sides of the border, with reaction veering from accusations that the Canadian government is covering up evidence of the disease to claims by Canadian officials that the reports are based on poor science.

Some scientists have suggested that a strain of the virus may have been present in wild Pacific salmon for many years as a "host pathogen," without causing a disease outbreak, and that it may never pose a risk. It is also unclear whether farmed Atlantic salmon in Canada, raised in net pens along the coast, have contracted the virus or are spreading it. But scientists also note that viruses can mutate, and many say it is imperative to learn more. Officials in both Canada and the United States are planning extensive new testing efforts.

On Thursday, the first of three days of testimony, lawyers for the Canadian government, the province, the aquaculture industry and those opposed to it, as well as conservationists and others, questioned four scientists who have studied infectious salmon anemia and many of the fish tested in British Columbia. The scientists gave highly technical and sometimes contradictory testimony before a full but largely quiet gallery. Some people wore T-shirts that read: "Standing on guard for wild salmon."
The most combative exchanges occurred during testimony by Kristina Miller, the head of molecular genetics for the Department of Fisheries and Oceans laboratory at Nanaimo, on Vancouver Island. While previous reports of the virus had surfaced from sources outside the Canadian government, only to have Canadian officials question them, Dr. Miller testified that she also had received positive results when she tested for the virus, known as I.S.A. She said that when she reported her work to a superior last month, she was asked why she had conducted it at all.

"Nobody in the department talked to me about disease or I.S.A. after that," Dr. Miller testified. At one point, she said she was frustrated at what she called "flippant dismissal of pathogens" that could be harmful.

The Department of Fisheries and Oceans is charged with promoting aquaculture but also with protecting wild fish, a dual mission that some critics say creates conflicts. Agency officials are scheduled to testify in the next two days.

Some of Dr. Miller's research methods were questioned by another virus expert, who participated via teleconference. But that expert, Professor Are Nylund of the University of Bergen in Norway, expressed support for positive results that were found by Frederick S. B. Kibenge, a professor at the University of Prince Edward Island.

Dr. Miller said that while her tests showed that the fish responded to the presence of the virus, it was not clear that it causing harm. She testified that she had recently tested salmon tissue samples from 1986 and that they, too, showed the asymptomatic form of I.S.A.

"We have not established that it causes disease," she said.