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Grizzly bears, black bears, wolves, coyotes, cougars/ mountain lions,bobcats, wolverines, lynx, foxes, fishers and martens are the suite of carnivores that originally inhabited North America after the Pleistocene extinctions. This site invites research, commentary, point/counterpoint on that suite of native animals (predator and prey) that inhabited The Americas circa 1500-at the initial point of European exploration and subsequent colonization. Landscape ecology, journal accounts of explorers and frontiersmen, genetic evaluations of museum animals, peer reviewed 20th and 21st century research on various aspects of our "Wild America" as well as subjective commentary from expert and layman alike. All of the above being revealed and discussed with the underlying goal of one day seeing our Continent rewilded.....Where big enough swaths of open space exist with connective corridors to other large forest, meadow, mountain, valley, prairie, desert and chaparral wildlands.....Thereby enabling all of our historic fauna, including man, to live in a sustainable and healthy environment. - Blogger Rick

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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Every living organism has something to add to the worlds overall functioning----Everything is on the planet to serve some type purpose and function.............As our great early 20th Century Naturalist, Aldo Leopold always said: "KEEP ALL THE COGS AND WHEELS"------With this in mind, Pharmaceutical Giant, Amgen, is studying captive Grizzly Bears at Washington State University to determine how they can eat up to 58,000 calories a day without getting fat or developing heart disease and diabetes...............Test results so far suggest that bears modify their sensitivity to the hormone insulin, which controls how sugars and fats are broken down and used for energy...................Even if the worst of us cannot think beyond our own well being(let alone the well being of other creatures), then selfishly we should be looking to rewild our world for the benefit of future generations of our species(let alone the myriad of other species walking the planet)

Before they hibernate, grizzlies (pictrued) eat around 100lbs worth of nuts, salmon and berries
Before they hibernate, grizzlies (pictured) eat around 100lbs worth of nuts, salmon and berries

Could bears hold the cure to OBESITY? Grizzlies
 eat up to 58,000 calories a day yet don't get fat or
 develop heart disease

Could bears hold the cure to OBESITY? Grizzlies

 eat up to 58,000 calories a day yet don't get fat

 or develop heart disease

  • ...
  • U.S. drug maker Amgen is now researching 12 grizzlies 
  • held in captivity at Washington State University to work
  •  out how they manage to stay healthy

A study has begun into the fearsome 1,000lbs creatures
 because they
 eat up to 58,000 calories a day but don't get fat.

Before they hibernate grizzlies eat around 100lbs worth
 of nuts, salmon
 and berries which increases their cholesterol and causes
 their blood 
pressure to jump.

Yet unlike humans, they do not suffer heart attacks or 
clogged arteries -
 and they don't become diabetics.
U.S. drug maker Amgen is now researching 12 grizzlies
 held in captivity
 at Washington State University to work out how they do it.

Dr Kevin Corbit has been looking at their fat deposits, 
monitoring their 
hearts, analysing their blood and conducting biopsies
 in the hope the
 bears will yield their weight loss secrets.It is the only 
facility in the 
world housing adult grizzlies and offers a unique
 opportunity to study them.
According to the Wall Street Journal, Dr Corbit 
was inspired by Yogi
 Bear and his portly figure when trying to think of 
a way to research weight

He said that the test results so far suggest 

that bears modify their

 sensitivity to the hormone insulin, which 

controls how sugars and

 fats are broken down and used for energy.

As they put on weight before hibernation, bears
 seem to be more sensitive 
to insulin, he said.
But when hibernation begins they seem to shut
 off their responsiveness to
 the hormone completely.
Hope for humans? Experts say that from the test results
 so far, bears modify their sensitivity
 to the hormone insulin, which controls how sugars and 
fats are broken down and are used 
for energy

Dr Corbit plans to spend the next two years working out
 how exactly the
 mechanism works.
His work will be assisted by the sequencing of of the 
bears' genome which 
he hopes will be completed soon.
The Washington State University bear centre was set
 up 27 years ago and the
 animals there were born on site or rescued from places
 where they went too
 close to humans such as in a national park.

Dr Corbit, who until now has only worked with rats in a
 laboratory, had to take
 extra precautions when dealing with the grizzlies.The
facility where they are
 held has electric fences buried underground so the
 bears can't dig them up.
 The bears themselves are kept in steel crates when
 they are being inspected
 and are put under before samples are taken.
Dr Corbit has also become adept at using honey to
 distract them whilst another
 resarcher scans their hearts.
Amgen research executive Dr Alexander Kamb said 
the grizzly bear research
 was unusual but given how big an issue obesity had
 become, it made sense
 to think differently. He said: 'I want to learn how the 
grizzly bears work their magic'.

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