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Grizzly bears, black bears, wolves, coyotes, cougars/ mountain lions,bobcats, wolverines, lynx, foxes, fishers and martens are the suite of carnivores that originally inhabited North America after the Pleistocene extinctions. This site invites research, commentary, point/counterpoint on that suite of native animals (predator and prey) that inhabited The Americas circa 1500-at the initial point of European exploration and subsequent colonization. Landscape ecology, journal accounts of explorers and frontiersmen, genetic evaluations of museum animals, peer reviewed 20th and 21st century research on various aspects of our "Wild America" as well as subjective commentary from expert and layman alike. All of the above being revealed and discussed with the underlying goal of one day seeing our Continent rewilded.....Where big enough swaths of open space exist with connective corridors to other large forest, meadow, mountain, valley, prairie, desert and chaparral wildlands.....Thereby enabling all of our historic fauna, including man, to live in a sustainable and healthy environment. - Blogger Rick

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Wednesday, February 19, 2020

"Similar to a human family where kids tend to thrive when Mom and Dad stay together and avoid divorce, a new University of Idaho Study reveals that for each year a wolf pair stays together, the odds of their pups surviving into adulthood increased 20%"..............."Unlike Coyotes, where male and females bond for life and remain monogamous, wolf pair bonds are super short" ............"They only last a couple years”.............."On average, wolf pairs stayed together for 2.2 years, although there was wide variance"..............."For instance, one wolf couple in the Idaho Study stayed together for at least nine years, basically an eternity for an animal that is considered ancient at 13"................"The average of 2.2 years found in Idaho aligned with rates measured in a recolonizing wolf population in Sweden".............."The longer wolf pairs remain monogamous, the more stability in the overall wolf pack"..........."Monogamy reduces the occurrence of 'sneaker males', those who come in and mate with females and take off, leaving pup rearing solely to the female and other cohorts".............."Another interesting observation and perhaps also similar to human couples is that when an older wolf mated with a younger wolf, the older appeared to teach the younger how to parent"................. "Pups born to those pairings were more likely to survive than pups born to two first-time parents"

Study suggests monogamous wolves make better parents

In the rugged, sometimes violent world of the wolf, it pays to have mom and dad around.

A male and female wolf, along with their pups, are photographed near Salmon, Idaho in 2017. (Idaho Department of Fish and Game) 

The longer wolf couples are together, the more likely their offspring are to survive into adulthood, according to new research from the University of Idaho.
According to the study, which will be published in the journal Behavioral Ecology, for each year a wolf pair stays together, the odds of their pups surviving into adulthood increased 20%.

Put another way, “they get 20% better at what they do every year,” study author David Ausband said. The study used nine years of scat data collected by Ausband and others from wolves throughout Idaho.

Ausband started collecting the data as a graduate student at the University of Montana. He then worked for the Idaho Department of Fish and Game before taking a job at the University of Idaho last year. His research examines a relatively understudied area: the impact of monogamy in mammals.

“Remarkably, I could not find a study that measured pair bond duration and its effects on reproduction in a mammalian cooperative breeder,” Ausband writes in the study. In particular, he wanted to see how legal hunting impacted monogamy in wolves, how monogamy impacted pup rearing and how monogamous relationships changed the overall social structure of a pack.
He expected to find that hunting reduced monogamy, possibly fraying pack dynamics.

A male and female wolf play near Kelly Creek on the Idaho/Montana border in 2017. (Idaho Department of Fish and Game)

“I thought … harvest would reduce pair bonds. And that’s not what I found,” he said. “And it’s because pair bonds are super short. They only last a couple years.”
On average, wolf pairs stayed together for 2.2 years, although there was wide variance. For instance, one wolf couple documented by Ausband stayed together for at least nine years, basically an eternity for an animal that is considered ancient at 13. The average of 2.2 years found in Idaho aligned with rates “measured in a recolonizing wolf population in Sweden that experienced relatively high rates of human-caused mortality.”

“Wolf packs are dynamic,” he said. “There is more drama in a wolf pack than in a middle school dance. There is always stuff going.”

Overall, wolves were monogamous about 72% of the time, he found.
In addition to increasing pup survival, monogamy also stabilized pack dynamics. Monogamous pairs reduced the occurrence of “sneaker males” and decreased polygamy in the group.

Sneaker males are males who mate and then leave the hard work of rearing offspring to others.

Monogamous wolf pairs were, overall, better at maintaining control of their packs, although pack size played a big role. Possibly, smaller wolf packs (partially caused by hunting) are easier for an alpha male and female to maintain control over, he said.

“If a pair is together, and their group size is large, it’s harder to police sneaker males. If you have 20 wolves to keep track of, it’s really hard to keep sneaker males out,” he said. “It’s a lot like human families. Or a big classroom at an elementary school. If you have a lot of kids, it’s harder to police.”

The study builds on, and adds to, research done in Minnesota’s Voyageurs National Park suggesting that wolves learn, rather than relying solely on instinct.
There, scientists observed wolves lying in wait along known beaver paths, often picking their ambush site far from the water. In fact, according to National Geographic, some wolves appeared to specialize in killing beavers.

In Idaho, Ausband found that when an older wolf mated with a younger wolf, the older appeared to teach the younger how to parent. Pups born to those pairings were more likely to survive than pups born to two first-time parents.

Understanding how wolves live and breed is important information for scientists and managers.

“If we don’t understand the truth about how an animal breeds, we’re not going to be very good at managing and conserving them,” Ausband said.

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