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Grizzly bears, black bears, wolves, coyotes, cougars/ mountain lions,bobcats, wolverines, lynx, foxes, fishers and martens are the suite of carnivores that originally inhabited North America after the Pleistocene extinctions. This site invites research, commentary, point/counterpoint on that suite of native animals (predator and prey) that inhabited The Americas circa 1500-at the initial point of European exploration and subsequent colonization. Landscape ecology, journal accounts of explorers and frontiersmen, genetic evaluations of museum animals, peer reviewed 20th and 21st century research on various aspects of our "Wild America" as well as subjective commentary from expert and layman alike. All of the above being revealed and discussed with the underlying goal of one day seeing our Continent rewilded.....Where big enough swaths of open space exist with connective corridors to other large forest, meadow, mountain, valley, prairie, desert and chaparral wildlands.....Thereby enabling all of our historic fauna, including man, to live in a sustainable and healthy environment. - Blogger Rick

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Friday, May 23, 2014

Is the Montana Wolf Stamp some type of hoax or end around to raise money to somehow encourage trapping and shooting of even more Wolves?......The Natural Resources Defense Council's investigation into the proposal suggests only good can come if the Wolf Stamp becomes a reality in Montana...............One third would be made available to livestock owners to help pay for nonlethal ways to protect their animals from wolves, bears and mountain lions........Another third would be used to pay for studying wolves, educating the public about wolves, and improving or purchasing suitable wolf habitat.............The final third would be used to hire additional FWP wardens—essentially, wildlife police—in occupied wolf habitat.............. This would enhance enforcement of our wildlife management laws as they pertain to wolves and other species, and reduce incidents of poaching, trespassing, wasting animals, unlawful use of or failure to check traps, and other violations..................If in fact all of the laid out criteria are adhered to, a breakthrough in thinking from Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks..................Thank you Helen McGinnis for bringing this information to our attention

Zack Strong’s Blog

MT FWP Commission Votes 5-0 to Move

 Forward with Wolf Conservation Stamp!

Zack Strong
Posted May 23, 2014
As I wrote earlier this week, we were thrilled when Montana Fish,
 Wildlife and Parks (FWP) announced that it would be formally
 proposing the Wolf Conservation Stamp at yesterday’s FWP
Commission hearing.  We were even more excited when, after
 considering public comment, the Commission unanimously 
voted in favor of the proposal and directed the FWP
Department to begin the rule making process to create the
 stamp and more specifically explain the ways in which the
revenue generated will be spent.
Public support for the stamp during yesterday’s hearing
 was incredible.  Thanks to all of those who attended and
 spoke in favor of the proposal – including representatives
 from Wolves of the Rockies, Living with Wolves,
 Endangered Species Coalition, Defenders of Wildlife
and the Montana Wildlife Federation.  In fact, not a
 single person spoke in opposition to the stamp.
 Instead, public testimony focused on how refreshing
 it was to be considering a collaborative proposal
designed to benefit wolves, wildlife enthusiasts, hunters
 and ranchers alike.  It was a privilege to have had the
opportunity to assist with developing this proposal over
the last few months, and extremely rewarding to observe
 such a positive reception to the idea yesterday.
While support for the stamp has been overwhelming, a
 few have expressed concern that this is a “trick” and that
 they distrust FWP and wildlife management in Montana.
 I appreciate these concerns.  Please keep in mind a
couple things.  First, this is no hoax.  It is simply new.
 And it is something that I, as a wildlife advocate, stand
 behind and believe is an extremely positive proposal
which provides, for the first time, an opportunity for wolf
 and wildlife enthusiasts to directly contribute to
 conservation and sound management in Montana. 
Second, this would be an entirely voluntary program.
  If and when the time comes that Wolf Conservation
Stamps are available for purchase, and you still have
 concerns about this idea, you don’t have to buy one!
  But I am encouraged by the many (many!) who have
 already expressed interest in purchasing a stamp and
 giving this program a chance.  And I believe FWP is
dedicated to making this a success—for people, for
 wolves, and for a chance to lead the nation in showing
 that collaboration among diverse interests is beneficial,
and essential, for responsible wildlife management.
Again, please help us spread the word, and thanks
 as always for your thoughtful comments, questions,
and support.
Wolf photo
Date: Thu, May 22, 2014 at 5:14 AM
Subject: Montana Announces Wolf Conservation Stamp!

Maybe could be used in other states
 on behalf of large carnivores in general.

Switchboard--Natural Resources Defense Council Staff Blog

Montana Announces 

Wolf Conservation Stamp!

Zack Strong's Blog

Posted May 21, 2014
Last week, the Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks
 (FWP) announced that it would be proposing a
"Wolf Conservation Stamp" at its May 22 meeting that, if
approved, would be available for purchase by the public later
 this year.  This is a truly groundbreaking proposal because it
 creates, for the first time, an opportunity for anyone to
contribute funding to FWP that would only be spent on
 efforts to promote the conservation and responsible
 management of wolves and other wildlife in the state.

FWP, and wildlife management agencies around the country,
are struggling to find ways to increase and diversify their
revenue bases.  The Wolf Conservation Stamp presents
 the perfect opportunity for non-hunters, non-trappers,
 "non-consumptive" wildlife watchers and recreationists
to help support FWP while contributing to wolf and wildlife
 conservation in Montana – and by doing so, to add their
voices and perspectives to the development of wildlife
policies in our state.

Here's how it would work.  After covering the costs
 of administering the program, revenue generated by
the purchase of wolf stamps would be equally allocated
 and spent in three ways:
  • One third would be made available to Montana
  •  livestock owners to help pay for nonlethal ways
  •  to protect their animals from predators like wolves,
  •  bears and mountain lions.  By keeping both livestock 
  • and large carnivores alive, this would be a good 
  • deal for ranchers and wolves alike.
  • Another third would be used to pay for studying 
  • wolves, educating the public about wolves, and i
  • mproving or purchasing suitable wolf habitat. 
  •  This would benefit everyone, by increasing our
  •  knowledge about wolves, ensuring the public 
  • has access to accurate information about wolves,
  •  and securing habitat in which wolves and other
  •  wildlife can thrive.
  • The final third would be used to hire additional 
  • FWP wardens—essentially, wildlife police—in 
  • occupied wolf habitat.  This would enhance
  •  enforcement of our wildlife management laws
  •  as they pertain to wolves and other species,
  •  and reduce incidents of poaching, trespassing, 
  • wasting animals, unlawful use of or failure to
  •  check traps, and other violations.  This is 
  • something every Montanan and every American—
  • hunters, non-hunters, property owners, public 
  • land users, agency officials, recreationists, 
  • and wildlife enthusiasts alike—should 
  • encourage and support.
And what's more, the wolf stamp would be available
 to everyone.   Just as FWP allows non-residents to
 purchase and use hunting and trapping licenses in
the state, the wolf stamp would be available to any
 wildlife or conservation supporter, anywhere in the

If you care about wildlife in the northern Rocky
Mountains, including wolves, we believe this is
 truly a chance to make a difference.  Please
spread the word about this proposal.  And
please thank FWP for its leadership and willingness
 to create this unique opportunity to directly support
 and contribute to conservation and sound wildlife
management in Montana.

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