Now I know why I took it -- because I found it both sad and interesting and so beautiful. Looks like it could be sleeping.
"Now I know why I took this photo -- because I found it both sad and interesting and so beautiful. Looks like it could be sleeping." Meta Larsson
By far, the most common killer of urban coyotes is cars  -- these amount to 40 to 70% of urban coyote deaths each year. Vehicles can be thought of as urban coyotes' number one "predator". This is not surprising because coyotes take long daily treks through vast urban landscapes which include an extensive grid of roadways.
In addition, a car may not kill right away, but instead may permanently maim and produce injuries which make life that much more difficult, ultimately shortening the coyote's life.
A coyote's full potential lifespan of about 14 years (they live this long in captivity) is usually reduced drastically to an average of around 3-5 years in the wild, though some individuals beat the odds and live a little longer.
Coyotes also die from malnutrition and diseases such as mange, and in rural areas, a huge number are shot for no reason at all except that they are coyotes. A coyote's life is not easy.
By the way, cars are also a primary killer of pets: over 5.4 million cats are killed each year by cars and over 1.2 million dogs are killed each year by cars. Interestingly, dog bites to other pets are the third largest injury to pets -- coyote injuries to pets is dwarfed by these statistics.