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Grizzly bears, black bears, wolves, coyotes, cougars/ mountain lions,bobcats, wolverines, lynx, foxes, fishers and martens are the suite of carnivores that originally inhabited North America after the Pleistocene extinctions. This site invites research, commentary, point/counterpoint on that suite of native animals (predator and prey) that inhabited The Americas circa 1500-at the initial point of European exploration and subsequent colonization. Landscape ecology, journal accounts of explorers and frontiersmen, genetic evaluations of museum animals, peer reviewed 20th and 21st century research on various aspects of our "Wild America" as well as subjective commentary from expert and layman alike. All of the above being revealed and discussed with the underlying goal of one day seeing our Continent rewilded.....Where big enough swaths of open space exist with connective corridors to other large forest, meadow, mountain, valley, prairie, desert and chaparral wildlands.....Thereby enabling all of our historic fauna, including man, to live in a sustainable and healthy environment. - Blogger Rick

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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Our friend Carter Niehmeyer has told the story of his experience with WILDLIFE SERVICES and the frustrations he experienced in trying to manage wildlife fairly in a highly politically charged Rocky Mtn State atmosphere..............As many of you know, the Sacramento Bee newspaper is in the middle of an excellent and revealing expose on the adverse impacts that this Federal agency has on our wildlife each and every year............As an example,,a Nevada campaign to kill Coyotes and Pumas in an attempt to increase Mule Deer numbers had unintended consequences that actually harmed the mule deer......... For example, removing coyotes tends to increase the number of smaller prey animals like rodents, which can carry disease and jackrabbits, which feed on some of the same plants as deer............ Last year, a mule deer in the study site tested positive for the plague – a disease that is associated with rodent outbreaks......... Also, one of the only factors that the scientists linked to lower mule deer numbers was 'poor forage conditions' (ie not enough food).............. On top of that, with fewer coyotes to compete with and plenty of small prey to eat, the remaining coyotes dedicate more resources to reproduction resulting in larger litter sizes and before long the coyote population has rebounded or even increased......WILDLIFE SERVICES is plain out of control in its response to rancher and farmer urgings "to rid the land of varmints".......In the past five years, they have killed an average of 256 predators a day...... The body count includes more than 25,000 red and gray foxes, 10,700 bobcats, 2,800 black bears, 2,300 timber wolves and 2,100 mountain lions. But the vast majority – about 512,500 – were coyotes..............Time to stop the wasteful killing of wildlife and the wasteful usage of taxpayer money to fund this antiquated agency

Sacramento Bee details the environmental consequences of federal predator control

by Sylvian Fallon;

In part two of a three part series that the Sacramento Bee is rolling out on Wildlife Services, reporter Tom Knudson focuses on the ecological impact of the federal agency responsible for killing hundreds of thousands of predators each year. Specifically he looks at a project in Nevada where Wildlife Services has spent $500,000 over the last eight years killing nearly 1,000 coyotes and 45 mountain lions in an effort to boost mule deer populations. The result? "It didn't make a difference," says one of the biologists tracking the project.
In fact, the removal of coyotes may have had unintended consequences that actually harmed the mule deer. For example, removing coyotes tends to increase the number of smaller prey animals like rodents, which can carry disease and jackrabbits, which feed on some of the same plants as deer. Last year, a mule deer in the study site tested positive for the plague – a disease that is associated with rodent outbreaks. Also, one of the only factors that the scientists linked to lower mule deer numbers was 'poor forage conditions' (ie not enough food). On top of that, with fewer coyotes to compete with and plenty of small prey to eat, the remaining coyotes dedicate more resources to reproduction resulting in larger litter sizes and before long the coyote population has rebounded or even increased.

Knudson sums it up pretty easily:
"In biological shorthand: Kill too many coyotes and you open a Pandora's box of disease-carrying rodents, meadow-munching rabbits, bird-eating feral cats, and, over time, smarter, more abundant coyotes. You also can sentence the deer you are trying to help to slow death by starvation."

And those are just the results in this one project in Nevada, but Wildlife Services removes thousands of predators across our landscapes all the time without anyone measuring the results. In the past five years, they have killed an average of 256 predators a day. As the article points out, "The body count includes more than 25,000 red and gray foxes, 10,700 bobcats, 2,800 black bears, 2,300 timber wolves and 2,100 mountain lions. But the vast majority – about 512,500 – were coyotes."

Predators play a number of important ecological roles in their ecosystem, and scientists have known for years that removing predators disrupts the food chain and leads to a shift in the composition of species. Recently, mounting evidence suggests that the removal of predators is one of humankind's most pervasive influences on nature and has led to an overall 'downgrading' of our ecosystems.
At the same time, the main mission of Wildlife Services' predator removal program – to protect livestock and boost big game populations – has shown itself to be largely ineffective, dangerous and expensive. And as a federal agency, much of that comes at the taxpayers' expense.

It's time to end this practice and support real and non-lethal solutions to livestock conflicts as well as build greater tolerance and appreciation for the complex role that predators play in maintaining diverse and resilient ecosystems that support all kinds of wildlife – big game included.
You can send Wildlife Services a message from our BioGems webpage. Then contact your representatives and let them know that you don't want your tax dollars going to Wildlife Services' predator removal program.

Coyote in jeopardy of the crosshairs of WILDLIFE SERVICES

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