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Grizzly bears, black bears, wolves, coyotes, cougars/ mountain lions,bobcats, wolverines, lynx, foxes, fishers and martens are the suite of carnivores that originally inhabited North America after the Pleistocene extinctions. This site invites research, commentary, point/counterpoint on that suite of native animals (predator and prey) that inhabited The Americas circa 1500-at the initial point of European exploration and subsequent colonization. Landscape ecology, journal accounts of explorers and frontiersmen, genetic evaluations of museum animals, peer reviewed 20th and 21st century research on various aspects of our "Wild America" as well as subjective commentary from expert and layman alike. All of the above being revealed and discussed with the underlying goal of one day seeing our Continent rewilded.....Where big enough swaths of open space exist with connective corridors to other large forest, meadow, mountain, valley, prairie, desert and chaparral wildlands.....Thereby enabling all of our historic fauna, including man, to live in a sustainable and healthy environment. - Blogger Rick

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Friday, July 6, 2012

Today, Costa Rica serves as one of 18 Latin American countries that is home to the jaguar, and one of 13 countries in which Panthera(Big Cat consevation group) is conducting jaguar conservation initiatives........ Highlighted by the United Nations Development Programme in 2011 for its adherence to strong environmental sustainability policies and practices, Costa Rica's Conservation Areas National System (SINAC) is distinguished as one of the best in the region, with more than 25% of the country's land classified and managed as part of the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Telecommunication's National Biological Corridor Program (NBCP)...........On Thursday, Costa Rica reached agreement with Panthera )that once implemented, will allow Panthera to better implement a 'connect and protect' strategy that links and allows safe passage for jaguar populations throughout the species' range, from northern Mexico, through the heart of Costa Rica, to Argentina"..........Fantastic news this is!...........Now we urge Dr. Alan Rabinowitz who heads up Panthera to reconsider his previous decision not to seek critical habit in the USA for the Jaguar.............His feelings are based on the fact that the big cat has not roamed and bred in its historical USA territory(California across to the Carolinas) for 100+ years and therefore concentration on protecting the Jaguar should focus on Central and South America where populations still reside..............With Jaguar sightings increasing in Arizona and New Mexico over the last decade and viable habitat existing in the Southwest, we think a re-think is in order and that the USA should become part of the global Jaguar corridor


 written by:Panthera

MOU with Panthera Establishes Nation's First Official Jaguar Conservation Framework

 San José, Costa Rica - The Americas' largest wild cat, the elusive and iconic jaguar, received a historic seal of protection yesterday with the official recognition of Costa Rica's Jaguar Corridor and the establishment of the country's first official jaguar conservation strategy.

Jaguar Corridor Initiative

On July 5th, Costa Rica's Minister of Environment, Energy and Telecommunications (MINAET), Dr. René Castro, presided over the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Dr. Alan Rabinowitz, CEO of Panthera, the world's leading wild cat conservation organization, and MINAET, in San José. Through this agreement, which will be later ratified and implemented by Costa Rica's Conservation Areas National System (SINAC) Department Executive Director, Rafael Gutiérrez, both groups commit to carrying out rigorous scientific and conservation initiatives that will help in securing protected wild lands linking jaguar populations in Costa Rica and beyond, as well as ensure that the development of land around these protected areas is done in a way to benefit both wildlife and local communities.

Jaguar expert, Dr. Alan Rabinowitz, stated, "The signing of this historic agreement marks a turning point for the future for the jaguar not only in Costa Rica, but for jaguars throughout Central and South America. This represents the fourth MOU that Panthera has signed with a Latin American government and once executed, will allow Panthera to better implement a 'connect and protect' strategy that links and allows safe passage for jaguar populations throughout the species' range, from northern Mexico, through the heart of Costa Rica, to Argentina."

Dr. René Castro added, "Each time that we connect wild areas, we conserve our biodiversity and benefit flagship species like the jaguar."

Crowned by Nicaragua and bordered by Panama to the south, Costa Rica serves as a critical link in the global Jaguar Corridor, which aims to connect and protect jaguar populations ranging from Mexico to Argentina to ensure the species' genetic diversity and survival.

  Since 2008, Panthera's jaguar scientists have worked in partnership with SINAC and local partners to research the status of jaguar populations inside the country's protected areas, assess threats facing jaguars and other wildlife, including land developments such as roads and reservoirs, implement community-based environmental education projects and train ranchers in human-jaguar conflict mitigation techniques that allow for local communities to coexist with jaguars.

proposed Jaguar habitat in the USA

Panthera's MesoAmerica and Costa Rica Jaguar Coordinator, Roberto Salom-Pérez, explained, "Panthera's efforts are a winning conservation strategy not only for jaguars, but also for the thousands of other animal and plant species with which they share their homes, including cougars, ocelots and other wild cats. Sharing data gathered through these projects with SINAC, land development companies, farmers and local stakeholders, Panthera's Costa Rica team is identifying, creating and protecting the most viable land, or biological corridors, that connect jaguar populations. This is a proud moment for Costa Rica and shows how committed the country is to conserving the jaguar."

Today, Costa Rica serves as one of 18 Latin American countries that is home to the jaguar, and one of 13 countries in which Panthera is conducting jaguar conservation initiatives. Highlighted by the United Nations Development Programme in 2011 for its adherence to strong environmental sustainability policies and practices, Costa Rica's Conservation Areas National System (SINAC) is distinguished as one of the best in the region, with more than 25% of the country's land classified and managed as part of the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Telecommunication's National Biological Corridor Program (NBCP).

NBCP Coordinator, Mario Coto Hidalgo, said, "This agreement confirms the commitment of the Ministry regarding the protection of endangered species, in this particular case the jaguar, but also the ecosystems that the species inhabits; and it protects the interests of local communities who are able to participate in the implementation of conservation strategies for the jaguar. The agreement also establishes the opportunity to better address human-jaguar conflict situations, and to make better and more informed decisions in the management of Protected Areas and biological corridors within the country, which are inhabited by this flagship species."

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