Feds should abandon
planned delisting(WOLVES)
in Lower 48
The recovery of the gray wolf is a success
story that illustrates
story that illustrates
the effectiveness of the federal Endangered
Species Act. But
Species Act. But
the Obama administration fails to see that it's
a story whose final
a story whose final
chapters have yet to be penned.
The Los Angeles Times reported Friday
that federal authorities
that federal authorities
intend to remove endangered species
protection for nearly
protection for nearly
all gray wolves in the Lower 48 states.
A draft rule, expected
A draft rule, expected
to be announced shortly and finalized
within a year, would
within a year, would
hand over the management of wolf
populations to state wildlife agencies.
populations to state wildlife agencies.
Federal officials insist that the approximately
5,000 wolves in the
5,000 wolves in the
Northern Rockies and Great Lakes region
are enough to prevent extinction.
are enough to prevent extinction.
But that conclusion ignores warnings from
scientists and conservationists
scientists and conservationists
that the wolves' numbers have not reached
sustainable levels and that the
sustainable levels and that the
agency's analysis of wolf subspecies and
habitat is flawed.
habitat is flawed.
Those same critics challenged the federal
government's decision two years
government's decision two years
ago to withdraw Endangered Species
Act protection in the Northern Rockies,
Act protection in the Northern Rockies,
Eastern Oregon and Eastern Washington
and give the job of wolf management
and give the job of wolf management
to the states. Since that delisting, more
than a thousand wolves have been killed
than a thousand wolves have been killed
in sanctioned hunts, including 422 wolves
last year in Idaho alone.
last year in Idaho alone.
Now, the Fish and Wildlife Service is
considering removing protections in
considering removing protections in
the protected areas that remain. Yet
the wolves are just beginning to get
the wolves are just beginning to get
a foothold in Western Oregon,
Washington, Utah and Colorado, and
it's too
Washington, Utah and Colorado, and
it's too
early to end federal protection in those
The Fish and Wildlife Service is under
intense pressure from ranchers,
intense pressure from ranchers,
hunters and some federal and state
officials to remove the remaining protections.
officials to remove the remaining protections.
As Jamie Rappaport Clark, the former
director of the Fish and Wildlife Service
director of the Fish and Wildlife Service
and now the president of Defenders of
Wildlife, notes, the agency's latest delisting
Wildlife, notes, the agency's latest delisting
decision "reeks of politics."
Wolves were once abundant in the West
before white settlers arrived. But they
before white settlers arrived. But they
were hunted nearly to extinction —
and were wiped out entirely in Oregon
and were wiped out entirely in Oregon
— before a small number were reintroduced
in Yellowstone National Park
in Yellowstone National Park
and in central Idaho in the mid-1990s. Under
federal protection, the animals
federal protection, the animals
thrived. At least 1,600 wolves now populate
the northern Rockies, although last
the northern Rockies, although last
year the population fell by an alarming 7
percent, primarily because of the 2011
percent, primarily because of the 2011
delistings and the recreational hunting that
Sally Jewell, the new secretary of the Interior,
should take a hard look at the
should take a hard look at the
Fish and Wildlife Agency's decision, and
pull the plug on the proposed delisting.
pull the plug on the proposed delisting.
Gray wolves need more time to find their
balance and build strong, genetically
balance and build strong, genetically
healthy populations that can endure
for many years to come.
for many years to come.
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