Virginia to take in
more Kentucky
elk in May
Southwest Virginia will see
its second
delivery of elk in May
under a pilot program to
introduce the
Rocky Mountain
version of a native species
that was las
t seen in the state
around the time of the Civil
its second
delivery of elk in May
under a pilot program to
introduce the
Rocky Mountain
version of a native species
that was las
t seen in the state
around the time of the Civil
One year ago, 16 elk were
moved from
Kentucky to Virginia's
Buchanan County
in the first
installment of what eventually
could be
hundreds of elk
roaming the state's far
southwest coal
country. That initial
number has grown to 24
with the arrival
of eight calves.
moved from
Kentucky to Virginia's
Buchanan County
in the first
installment of what eventually
could be
hundreds of elk
roaming the state's far
southwest coal
country. That initial
number has grown to 24
with the arrival
of eight calves.
In late May, approximately
the same number
of elk will
arrive from Kentucky,
which began
them in
1997. They now number
more than 10,000.
the same number
of elk will
arrive from Kentucky,
which began
them in
1997. They now number
more than 10,000.
Kentucky's experience
hasn't been conflict
free. Some
residents have complained
of wayward
elk trampling
gardens and causing car
crashes. A bull
elk can weigh
in at 700 to 800 pounds,
much larger than
native deer that
range from 150 to 200 pounds.
hasn't been conflict
free. Some
residents have complained
of wayward
elk trampling
gardens and causing car
crashes. A bull
elk can weigh
in at 700 to 800 pounds,
much larger than
native deer that
range from 150 to 200 pounds.
In Virginia, wildlife officials
say the experiment
has gone
smoothly, but they're
proceeding with caution.
say the experiment
has gone
smoothly, but they're
proceeding with caution.
"We have gone slowly
on this," said Allen
Boynton of the
Virginia Department of
Game and Inland
Fisheries. "We'll
see how it goes,
see what public support
is like and public
reaction and demonstrate
our capability
to manage the
animals that is a benefit
to the community."

on this," said Allen
Boynton of the
Virginia Department of
Game and Inland
Fisheries. "We'll
see how it goes,
see what public support
is like and public
reaction and demonstrate
our capability
to manage the
animals that is a benefit
to the community."
In 2014, up to 75 elk will be
released in
Virginia with the
goal of increasing the herd
to 400 animals
in eight to 10
years, said Boynton, the
terrestrial wildlife
released in
Virginia with the
goal of increasing the herd
to 400 animals
in eight to 10
years, said Boynton, the
terrestrial wildlife
Elk have actually been in
the state in the
150 years since
the Civil War. An
estimated 50 have
wandered over from
Kentucky in recent years.
the state in the
150 years since
the Civil War. An
estimated 50 have
wandered over from
Kentucky in recent years.
The department is partnering
with the Rocky
Mountain Elk
Foundation and Buchanan
County to return
elk to three
counties: Buchanan, Dickenson
and Wise.
with the Rocky
Mountain Elk
Foundation and Buchanan
County to return
elk to three
counties: Buchanan, Dickenson
and Wise.
The transplanted elk primarily
graze atop a
reclaimed strip
mine, the same manmade
habitat that is
used in Kentucky.
It's their travels off the
mountains that have
stirred complaints.
graze atop a
reclaimed strip
mine, the same manmade
habitat that is
used in Kentucky.
It's their travels off the
mountains that have
stirred complaints.
In Virginia, Boynton said,
the elk "have pretty
much stayed in
the area where we
released them."
the elk "have pretty
much stayed in
the area where we
released them."
In Virginia, the program
was opposed by the
Virginia Farm
Bureau, the state
veterinarian and the state
Department of
Agriculture and Consumer
Services. They
cited the possible
spread of
disease to livestock,
damage to fences and
elk munching
fruit in orchards.
was opposed by the
Virginia Farm
Bureau, the state
veterinarian and the state
Department of
Agriculture and Consumer
Services. They
cited the possible
spread of
disease to livestock,
damage to fences and
elk munching
fruit in orchards.
A spokeswoman for the
agriculture department
said that
remains its position.
agriculture department
said that
remains its position.
"We have worked
cooperatively with DGIF
management to
devise the best health
plan we can to protect
our livestock
from elk that are imported
into Virginia," Elaine
said in an email. "We
continue to have the same
as before about diseases
threats from wild elk
cooperatively with DGIF
management to
devise the best health
plan we can to protect
our livestock
from elk that are imported
into Virginia," Elaine
said in an email. "We
continue to have the same
as before about diseases
threats from wild elk
The Farm Bureau's Wilmer
Stoneman III said the
position of
the state's largest farm lobby
is unchanged. Since
the arrival
of the first elk from Kentucky,
"We've been
cautiously and
quietly watching," said
Stoneman, associate
director of
governmental relations
. He said he was not
aware of any documented
elk-farmer conflicts.
Stoneman III said the
position of
the state's largest farm lobby
is unchanged. Since
the arrival
of the first elk from Kentucky,
"We've been
cautiously and
quietly watching," said
Stoneman, associate
director of
governmental relations
. He said he was not
aware of any documented
elk-farmer conflicts.
Boynton said the Kentucky
elk are quarantined
for 90 days
they arrive in Virginia and
undergo testing for
a number of
elk are quarantined
for 90 days
they arrive in Virginia and
undergo testing for
a number of
Sportsmen's groups and
some officials in
depressed southwest
Virginia promoted
the program to
elk back to the state.
Native elk were hunted
into extinction.
some officials in
depressed southwest
Virginia promoted
the program to
elk back to the state.
Native elk were hunted
into extinction.
While the program is
intended to return a
native species,
wildlife officials also
envision other future
benefits, including
hunting and viewing by
visitors. No elk
hunting is now allowed
in the three counties.
intended to return a
native species,
wildlife officials also
envision other future
benefits, including
hunting and viewing by
visitors. No elk
hunting is now allowed
in the three counties.
Asked about the chances
of seeing an
elk now, Boynton said
the long haul to southwest
Virginia wouldn't
be worth it. "There's
just so few," he said.
of seeing an
elk now, Boynton said
the long haul to southwest
Virginia wouldn't
be worth it. "There's
just so few," he said.
I think the 100, 000 figure for the Kentucky elk population is a misprint.....shouldn't it be 10,000.
Good article nevertheless, and I wish New York state would get on the ball and restore elk. Chronic wasting disease is the reason given by NYDEC to prevent any elk releases in areas such as the Catskills.
Yes 100,000 is too high. I know this because I live in Kentucky. As for predators, the original reintroduction location of red wolves was at the "Land Between the Lakes" area in far western Kentucky.For various reasons, not the least of which was the poor communication between the U.S.F.& W.S. and the locals, the project was scrapped opening the door for Alligator River. It is still an excellent place for red wolves; no people live there, no livestock, federally owned and managed by the U.S.F.S. and plenty of game species (including elk and even bison).
In eastern Kentucky, a study was done by a University of Cincinnati student regarding the viability of a possible red wolf reintroduction in the Daniel Boone National Forest.
Further east, a lot of the land is owned by coal companies so I doubt a reintroduction would even be attempted. For example, to go to Kentucky's highest mountain, Black Mountain, you have to obtain permission from one of the coal companies.
Overall though I agree we need another predator here.
Dave.........your 10,000 is correct.................misprint in article...thanks for fact cheeking this
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