Total wolves trapped
143 Number of people who reported setting traps for wolves *
557; 111 Greatest number of wolf snares set in one night in one game-management
 unit; foothold traps set *
45; 33 White-tailed deer caught; released alive *
45; 1 Coyotes caught; released alive *
9; 3 Mountain lions caught; released alive *
9; 7 Domestic pets caught; released alive *
39; 22 Other non-target animals caught, including bobcats, geese, skunks, raccoons,
 golden eagles and ravens; released alive *
$37,115 to $1,256,966 Estimated monetary value of one Northern Rockies wolf **
$38.25; $333.50 Cost for license and tag to trap one wolf for Idaho residents; for

* Based on responses to a survey sent to 460 people who took Idaho's wolf trapper
education class and purchased a 2011-2012 trapping license.

** according to 2011 Duke University study
Sources: Idaho Fish and Game Department, Duke University