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Grizzly bears, black bears, wolves, coyotes, cougars/ mountain lions,bobcats, wolverines, lynx, foxes, fishers and martens are the suite of carnivores that originally inhabited North America after the Pleistocene extinctions. This site invites research, commentary, point/counterpoint on that suite of native animals (predator and prey) that inhabited The Americas circa 1500-at the initial point of European exploration and subsequent colonization. Landscape ecology, journal accounts of explorers and frontiersmen, genetic evaluations of museum animals, peer reviewed 20th and 21st century research on various aspects of our "Wild America" as well as subjective commentary from expert and layman alike. All of the above being revealed and discussed with the underlying goal of one day seeing our Continent rewilded.....Where big enough swaths of open space exist with connective corridors to other large forest, meadow, mountain, valley, prairie, desert and chaparral wildlands.....Thereby enabling all of our historic fauna, including man, to live in a sustainable and healthy environment. - Blogger Rick

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Saturday, July 13, 2013

The resiliency of the Eastern Forests and their potential to once again be home for the Wolf, Puma, Elk, Caribou and Wolverine is to a large extent based on the hardwoods of these woodlands being able to sprout(send up new shoots on the severed or damaged tree trunk) after being felled by lumberjacks, blown down by hurricanes or damaged by fire.......................Stump sprouting is kind of like an insurance policy for many trees, even those that take other steps to ensure their species’ survival, such as producing prodigious quantities of seed.................. Most temperate hardwoods have this ability, though some, like oak and beech, are better at it than others.................... Conifers do not sprout,an exception being the redwood, which is a champion sprouter..............These "Sprout" forests are resilent, regrowing rapidly after disturbance, keeping the forest microclimate intact and therefore inducing many forest animals not to blink out in any one region for too long..................Rewild our Eastern woodlands with the missing mammals of yesteryear and our Stump forests will help up the odd that they will be with us for the long haul

Coppice Rising

Coppice Rising image
Illustration by Adelaide Tyrol
Twenty years ago when I bought my farm I made a snap decision to clear some woods near the house, all the way back to the stone wall. Out came the chainsaw and trees started crashing down.
I never did finish “neatening up” that section of the fence line. And it was only later that I realized that I had turned the only sizable northern red oak on the entire 40-acre woodlot into firewood. As a guy who prizes forest diversity, I was chagrined. No help for it. Except…a few years later I noticed some healthy sprouts from that oak stump. I left them alone. Now the three biggest are six to eight inches in diameter and some forty feet tall.
Stump sprouting is kind of like an insurance policy for many trees, even those that take other steps to ensure their species’ survival, such as producing prodigious quantities of seed. Most temperate hardwoods have this ability, though some, like oak and beech, are better at it than others Conifers do not sprout,an exception being the redwood, which is a champion sprouter.
Sprouts are generated by different mechanisms, depending on the species, explained Kevin Smith, a plant physiologist with the U.S. Forest Service’s Northern Research Station. Sometimes sprouts are produced by dormant buds that remain immersed in the bark until the tree is stressed or injured and then are prompted to break dormancy. Other sprouts are produced from pads of juvenile callus formed from mature living wood cells.
“It’s quite a trick, but some species do it readily,” Smith noted.
The big advantage to stump sprouting is that the sprouts get access to the root system of the original tree and its accumulated energy reserves. (This is also true for trees that send sprouts up from their roots.) It’s like starting life with a huge trust fund. It’s no guarantee of success, but it gives you a head start.
There seems to be something of a “use it or lose it” aspect to this ability, however. In a 2001 study on tree sprouting published inThe Botanical Review, the Arnold Arboretum’s Peter Del Tredici noted that hardwoods will sprout “vigorously” from stumps between about two to six inches in size and that most will continue to do so from stumps up to ten or twelve inches in size, but in lower percentages. Beyond ten to twelve inches, the “number of non-oak species that are capable of successful sprouting drops off precipitously,” Del Tredici wrote. The reasons for this size limit are poorly understood.

Humans have long exploited hardwoods’ sprouting tendency. In a practice called “coppicing,” young trees are allowed to regrow from stumps and harvested every few years. Historically – especially in Europe where forests can be scarce – coppices provided wood for a wide variety of uses, from firewood to fencing. Some stumps, called “stools,” have been harvested for centuries. Coppicing is still practiced, and is having something of a resurgence among permaculture devotees, but not to the extent that it once was.
Even if a tree produces copious numbers of sprouts, it’s no guarantee that they’ll all live. Some trees apparently “self thin” their sprout production. And in many cases sprouts die because they are infected by rot from the stump itself.
While many foresters profess not to like sprout clumps, Smith notes that at least one study shows that in New England, a lot of merchantable hardwood is produced by them. Beyond that, studies show that stump sprouting, in allowing rapid regrowth of trees, preserves the forest microclimate, inhibits erosion, and conserves nutrients.
“Part of the strength of our forests,” said Smith, is that most hardwoods have both the ability to sprout, perpetuating the original tree, and to produce seeds, which allows for a stirring of the gene pool. The combination, he said, “contributes to resiliency.”
Joe Rankin is a forestry writer, beekeeper, orchardist and market gardener who lives in central Maine.

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