The fragmentation and destruction
of habitat is a primary cause of
decline in wildlife populations.
When development or irresponsible
resource extraction occurs, critical
habitat is often unwittingly harmed,
simply because no one realizes that
the area affected is an important
denning, feeding, wintering or travel
area for one or more species.
The isolation of wildlife populations
within fragmented habitats severely
compromises the long-term well-being
of many species as healthy ecosystem
functions, services and resiliency
declines over time.
By monitoring potential habitats and
threatened regions - systematically
searching for and recording evidence
of use by “focal species” over multiple
years - citizens can obtain the
information needed to make informed
decisions about wildlife habitat
stewardship. Our adult and youth
training programs are designed to
both inspire community volunteers
as well as turn them into practitioners
of a science-based field study
methodology. Keeping Track®
recognizes that more “boots on the
ground” field research is essential
if we are to successfully conserve
an appropriate matrix of
core and connective habitats.
MONTPELIER, Vt. (AP) — A Vermont animal
tracker known nationally for her expertise in
tracking cougars believes the big cats will
eventually return to the Northeastern United
States and neighboring parts of Canada, bu
t she says the region won't see large numbers
of them anytime soonThe forests of Maine, New
Hampshire, Vermont and upstate NYork have
Hampshire, Vermont and upstate NYork have
ideal cougar habitat, meaning plentiful
forest cover and large animals to sustain
a cougar population, said Sue Morse of
Jericho, the science director and founder
of the organization Keeping Track.
"Back in the '80s, I just looked at that
huge expanse of country between the
Rockies, the western slope of the
Rockies and here, and I thought
to myself 'how can this happen?'" said Morse.
Since then, scientists have tracked the
animals moving out of South Dakota
into Midwestern states. Cougars also
are moving north into Manitoba, the
Canadian province to the west of Ontario,
which Morse considers their most likely
route back to the Northeast.
"We need our apex carnivores in a big
way," Morse said. "We need them for
the health of our forests. Our forests
are being ravaged by too many deer in
some places."
of names: mountain lion, puma, panther
, catamount. Vermont's last known
cougar was killed in 1881 in Barnard.
The animal, now stuffed, is on display
at the Vermont Historical Society in Montpelier.
"It's a known fact that dispersing tom
cougars will go hundreds, if not thousands of
miles as they search for a habitat in which
they can settle down in the company of
females and call home," said Morse, who
is planning a lecture on the topic Jan. 7 in
The challenge is the females are more
likely to stay near their home range,
but they too will sometimes move into
new territory, she said.
Scientists say sightings of individual
cougars are possible, but they're
skeptical that breeding populations
of cougars will return to the region
on their own.
Mary Parkin, endangered species
recovery coordinator for the Northeast
Region of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, agrees the region has suitable
habitat for cougars and male cougars
do pass through.
"The trick is getting that female there,
they would have to be brought in,"
she said, adding that was unaware of a
ny effort to bring cougars back to the Northeast.
Mark Scott, director of wildlife for the
Vermont Department of Fish and
Wildlife, said his agency regularly
receives reports of cougar sightings
and it's possible that individual cougars
could be spotted in Vermont, but he
calls the possibility of a breeding population
returning to the state "a long shot."
"It used to be if someone saw a mountain
lion they'd say 'I'm not going to tell anybody
because they're going to think I'm crazy,'"
Scott said. "But people shouldn't feel that
way today. There really is a possibility that
if they see a large cat, obviously it needs to
have a long tail ... they could be seeing the
real thing."
Other scientists say there's no question the
animals are moving far from what is
considered their current range. In 2011,
a cougar was hit by a car and killed on
DNA testing found that the animal
was from South Dakota.
Morse said the animals regularly confound
scientists by doing the unexpected. It coul
d take 30 years (Morse hopes less) for a
breeding population to return.
"I am looking forward to seeing how
these animals pull it off because I'm
convinced they
will," she said
Keeping Track
Keeping Track, Inc., PO Box 444,
Huntington, VT 05462 |
(802) 434-7000 | Contact Us
Our Philosophy
The fragmentation and destruction
of habitat is a primary cause of
decline in wildlife populations.
When development or irresponsible
resource extraction occurs, critical
habitat is often unwittingly harmed,
simply because no one realizes that
the area affected is an important
denning, feeding, wintering or travel
area for one or more species.
The isolation of wildlife populations
within fragmented habitats severely
compromises the long-term well-being
of many species as healthy ecosystem
functions, services and resiliency
declines over time.
By monitoring potential habitats and
threatened regions - systematically
searching for and recording evidence
of use by “focal species” over multiple
years - citizens can obtain the
information needed to make informed
decisions about wildlife habitat
stewardship. Our adult and youth
training programs are designed to
both inspire community volunteers
as well as turn them into practitioners
of a science-based field study
methodology. Keeping Track®
recognizes that more “boots on the
ground” field research is essential
if we are to successfully conserve
an appropriate matrix of
core and connective habitats.
All original writing above and
photography © Susan Morse
photography © Susan Morse
I won't be too surprised if you are already aware, but just in case your not I'm sure you'll be interested--a cougar, alas, was just shot in Kentucky recently by a wildlife agent. DNA tests are pending as to where it came from(former captive? transient from a known wild population?). I blundered into this looking up some other stuff which then led me to another story that I was surprised I haven't heard yet either, of a Gray Wolf also shot fairly recently in Kentucky, whose DNA indicated it was from the Great Lakes area population--you can just Google these things and quite a few articles come up....Let's us predator huggers hope there are others out there NOT getting shot as they spread into their former ranges. Maybe I will live long enough to know of breeding cougars in N. C.(at least in our mountains--EXCELLENT cougar habitat!) one day before too long?....L.B.
L.B.............I did post on both events............Hope that your wish(and mine--reproducing wolf and puma population throughout the east) is recognized during our lifetime............Best for the New Year and good hearing from you
Ha! I figured as much, but I musta missed those posts somehow. You ARE prolific--hard for my occasional computer use to keep up! But I always enjoy(and learn!) reading your blog!....L.B.
Thank you L>B.
Best for the New Year
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