Los AngelesScat party: To unlock the secrets of urban coyotes, biologists turn to poop
Urban Coyotes exist easily with humans in Los Angeles-Photo
National Park Service
Los AngelesScat party: To unlock the secrets of urban coyotes, biologists turn to poop
Ryan Fonseca
Thursday, March 21, 2019
National Park Service
LOS ANGELES – First off, yes, this is a story about poop, which we all know is funny.
So please get all the snickers, chuckles and chortles out of your system now, because this poop story has a valuable lesson about how Los Angeles residents share this wildland-urban interface with coyotes – and why it’s our fault when things go wrong.
When it comes to Angelenos’ coyote troubles, Justin Brown, a biologist with the National Park Service, said he’s heard it all.
Graduate student Danielle Martinez works under a fume hood to examine the stomach contents of urban coyotes at Cal State Fullerton. (Gina Ferazzi / Los Angeles Times
Left, stomach contents of urban coyotes are put into labeled petri dishes. Right, what is left of a ground squirrel is seen while examining the stomach contents at Cal State Fullerton. (Gina Ferazzi / Los Angeles Times)
“I have people coming in telling me that their neighbor’s feeding them, some where the coyote’s coming up behind them, chasing them and their little dog as they’re walking down the street, to some people where there’s just a coyote that sleeps in their yard every day,” he told LAist. “If you’re having conflicts in your area, they’re coming into your neighborhood for a reason. There’s some sort of resource they’re finding.”
And Brown, fellow scientists and local nature fans investigated those reasons by looking at coyote scat.
For a little more than two years, NPS researchers and volunteers collected scat at 27 sites, most of them in LA, including spots coyotes frequent in Griffith Park, Boyle Heights, Eagle Rock, Frogtown, Beverly Hills, Culver City and Baldwin Hills.
In all, the research team collected and dissected more than 3,200 samples, which literally is a crapload.
Coyote in the largest downtown natural park in the USA(Griffith Park in Burbank, Calif)
A few of the sample sites were in more suburban and wildland pockets in the Conejo Valley, including Thousand Oaks, “to see if the amount and types of food vary based on a certain level of urbanization,” Brown said.
Despite having coexisted with them in Southern California for so long, much about urban coyotes remains a mystery, Brown said, such as pack size or even how many live in the city.
Investigating their diet is just one part of a larger NPS coyote study from the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area, dubbed the L.A. Urban Coyote Project. The overall goal is to better understand how they’ve managed to carve out such a comfortable spot in the hybrid ecosystem we share.
When it comes to Angelenos’ coyote troubles, Justin Brown, a biologist with the National Park Service, said he’s heard it all.
Left, stomach contents of urban coyotes are put into labeled petri dishes. Right, what is left of a ground squirrel is seen while examining the stomach contents at Cal State Fullerton. (Gina Ferazzi / Los Angeles Times)
“I have people coming in telling me that their neighbor’s feeding them, some where the coyote’s coming up behind them, chasing them and their little dog as they’re walking down the street, to some people where there’s just a coyote that sleeps in their yard every day,” he told LAist. “If you’re having conflicts in your area, they’re coming into your neighborhood for a reason. There’s some sort of resource they’re finding.”
In all, the research team collected and dissected more than 3,200 samples, which literally is a crapload.
Coyote in the largest downtown natural park in the USA(Griffith Park in Burbank, Calif)
A few of the sample sites were in more suburban and wildland pockets in the Conejo Valley, including Thousand Oaks, “to see if the amount and types of food vary based on a certain level of urbanization,” Brown said.
How do you study scat?
It’s not as simple as finding droppings and grabbing a pair of gloves. Every coyote scat sample gets put through a process that basically eliminates the poopiest parts of the poop, Brown said. First the scat is brought to NPS scientists, who bake it for sterilization. The sample then is placed in a little nylon bag and gets washed and dried.

Fur and whiskers also offer clues about urban coyotes. (Photo courtesy of National Park Service)
“You wash it to get rid of all that extra stuff, that way when you go to dissect it, you don’t just have lots of dirt,” Brown said.
After that, the poop is ready for inspection – and it’s time to throw a party.
NPS has hosted volunteer events where members of the public learn to dissect and catalog what they find in the coyote poop samples, aptly called scat parties.
Volunteer Merri Huang first heard about the project and the call for volunteers in a KPCC story and signed up. She said she has been a “a backyard naturalist” since moving to LA in 1980 (it probably helps that she has a master’s degree in field biology).
“(I) was amazed at the number of species in my own backyard,” she said, “and front yard, where I’ve seen coyotes off and on for years.”
Howling coyote! Coyotes are well known for their howling songs, often heard at night in both urban and natural areas around the Santa Monica Mountains. Song is important for communication between coyotes. Photo taken by Jared Hughey
At a typical scat party, Huang said, you check in, get coffee and a bagel, then grab a sample and get to work. Volunteers place their samples on paper towels and start picking out the contents into separate piles: animal parts, plants, fruits, insects and trash. Some volunteers don’t even bother wearing gloves, NPS spokeswoman Ana Beatriz Cholo said, adding that ‘gloves are kind of annoying,” and fur can stick to them.
Volunteers verify or correct their findings using matching samples, field guides and the internet, but also get help from Brown and other scientists.
“People are curious. They want to know what these animals are doing there,” Brown said. “This is the way they can answer some of those questions by coming and seeing.”
NPS scientists even had to turn down some poop eager volunteers wanted to bring in from backyards and other places, since they needed to focus on specific sites for consistent data-gathering.
A photo of a coyote taken in Cheseboro Canyon in the Simi Valley. Photo taken by Jared Hughey.
“My favorite part was sharing science with others who were curious, perpetual learners, collaborating towards a future goal,” Huang said. “It’s fun to be with people who share my excitement about identifying a Dixie cup, or a rabbit’s tooth, or a reptile scale, a beetle’s wing, or even a microchip in a scat.”
After a bit of work, lunch is provided, then it’s back to more poop.
Volunteers are responsible for the vast majority of collections and dissections, Brown said, and he credited them for their hard, important work.

Fur and whiskers also offer clues about urban coyotes. (Photo courtesy of National Park Service)
“(I) was amazed at the number of species in my own backyard,” she said, “and front yard, where I’ve seen coyotes off and on for years.”
Howling coyote! Coyotes are well known for their howling songs, often heard at night in both urban and natural areas around the Santa Monica Mountains. Song is important for communication between coyotes. Photo taken by Jared Hughey
At a typical scat party, Huang said, you check in, get coffee and a bagel, then grab a sample and get to work. Volunteers place their samples on paper towels and start picking out the contents into separate piles: animal parts, plants, fruits, insects and trash. Some volunteers don’t even bother wearing gloves, NPS spokeswoman Ana Beatriz Cholo said, adding that ‘gloves are kind of annoying,” and fur can stick to them.
NPS scientists even had to turn down some poop eager volunteers wanted to bring in from backyards and other places, since they needed to focus on specific sites for consistent data-gathering.
“My favorite part was sharing science with others who were curious, perpetual learners, collaborating towards a future goal,” Huang said. “It’s fun to be with people who share my excitement about identifying a Dixie cup, or a rabbit’s tooth, or a reptile scale, a beetle’s wing, or even a microchip in a scat.”
Unraveling the mysteries of feces
For Brown, who has been studying coyotes for nearly 20 years, what really stood out was how much fruit local coyotes eat. Most of it isn’t fruit humans throw out – the source is non-native, ornamental plants ubiquitous across LA. Some of the fruits commonly found in coyote scat included purple figs from ficus trees, pyracantha berries and dates from our iconic (but non-native) palm trees.
“Most people don’t even realize they eat fruit,” Brown said. “The coyotes definitely take advantage of them.”
Urban coyotes are also eating a lot of human and pet food, which was found in more a quarter of the samples. Other common meals are rabbits, cats, insects and gophers.
Brown believes most of the cat remains found in urban coyote scat point to feral cat colonies in those areas, which typically means someone in a neighborhood is feeding those feral cats. Of course, coyotes do sometimes get to small dogs, house cats and other pets.
Preliminary data from the study showed a notable difference between the diets of urban coyotes and those in the Conejo Valley. Most of those more suburban/rural coyotes munch on rabbits, fruit, rodents and insects, generally consuming far less human-generated garbage.
Brown noted that resources aren’t dwindling in the more wild areas where coyotes live, though “we’ve definitely pushed more and more into their habitat.”
Coyotes are just expert life hackers.
“They’re very good opportunists. They take advantage of resources that are available,” he said, adding that coyotes also are good at making pups.
“Generally, if there’s more food, there’s going to be more coyotes,” he said. “If the landscape can support them, they’re going to be there.”
But coyotes don’t stick to just the food pyramid, as scat inspectors found over the course of the study. Some of the more bizarre items found in their poop were baseball leather, stuffed-animal parts, a finger puppet, bits of broken glass, a condom and, ironically, a dog-poop bag.
Urban coyotes are also eating a lot of human and pet food, which was found in more a quarter of the samples. Other common meals are rabbits, cats, insects and gophers.
Coyotes are just expert life hackers.
Whiskers tell us even more
A coyote’s poop alone doesn’t give the full scope of their diet. A lot of easily digestible materials, including meat and dairy products, gets absorbed in the magical process of digestion. But there are other ways to see what coyotes are eating.
That’s where Cal State Northridge graduate student Rachel Larson lends her expertise. She has a bachelor of science degree in zoology, is pursuing a master’s in biology and is one of the lead volunteers on the NPS urban coyote project, focusing on diet study
“A delicious Egg Sausage McMuffin isn’t easy to recognize in poop,” Larson said. “However, in the United States, most of the food we consume has corn in it in some way.”
That corn contains noticeably higher amounts of carbon-13, an isotope that weighs more than a typical carbon atom. So when a coyote eats food with lots of corn or its by-products in it, that carbon-13 gets absorbed into their bodies, including their whiskers.
Larson runs collected coyote whiskers through a mass spectrometer, which allows her to detect the amount of that isotope, showing her how much human food coyotes are eating. And often, it’s a lot.
“What was surprising was how much urban coyotes relied on human garbage … it constituted 80 percent of their diet!” she said. “We would be missing a significant amount of human food if we just used scat analysis alone.”
“A delicious Egg Sausage McMuffin isn’t easy to recognize in poop,” Larson said. “However, in the United States, most of the food we consume has corn in it in some way.”
What can be done
So, LA’s most urban coyotes are getting a majority of their food from garbage left by humans. And if they’re not eating our trash, many are eating fruit that falls from trees and plants that humans introduced to the region.
“We provide a huge amount of their food to them,” Brown said. “We need to realize that we are responsible for them being in our neighborhoods and we need to be dealing with that situation if we don’t want them there.”
The problem with consuming garbage around homes and business's where people
put out rat poison........Photo of a coyote that died of anticoagulant poisoning. This picture is graphic but is the bottom line for the effects these poisons have on some species. Outwardly, the coyote looks healthy and unharmed. However, when the animal is dissected for autopsy, we find excessive amounts of free-blood in the abdominal and thoracic cavities. In this picture, the blood has spilled out of the coyote when it was cut open.---10 days after ingesting the poison, the coyote can die.
And now that researchers have a good sense of what coyotes are eating, Brown hopes local residents can be educated and empowered to reduce the unnatural resources the animals take advantage of.
For starters, Angelenos can remove food sources, which could mean getting rid of ornamental fruit-bearing trees or “being very adamant about making sure there’s no fruit hitting the ground,” he said. That also means securing and reducing garbage, keeping streets free of litter and not leaving pet food – or pets – outside.
But “the worst kind of feeding” that happens is when humans intentionally feed coyotes, Brown said. He has seen people “giving resources we shouldn’t be providing,” by leaving pet food bowls out for wildlife, throw leftover food to coyotes in parks – even tossing burgers to them. That near-hand-feeding behavior is dangerous for coyotes, and potentially for people, too.
“The coyotes start getting to where they expect food directly from somebody,” he said, “so they come up to people and then they end up getting a little too pushy and end up biting somebody.”
Brown also recommended Angelenos look for ways to reduce cover by removing some vegetation and keeping yards free of debris, allowing coyotes fewer places to hide.
About 100 scat samples still need to be dissected, Brown said, which should be done in the next couple weeks. After that, he and his team will write up their findings and work to get them published in a scientific journal.
Their findings also will be used locally by the National Park Service to educate the public about coyote behavior and what steps can be taken to deter them from coming in neighborhoods.
But, as Brown noted, it’s impossible for every part of LA to be coyote-free.
“Coyotes are going to live amongst us,” he said. “It’s going to occur. They’ve already adapted and they can live quite well in our neighborhoods and in our urban environments.”
“We provide a huge amount of their food to them,” Brown said. “We need to realize that we are responsible for them being in our neighborhoods and we need to be dealing with that situation if we don’t want them there.”
put out rat poison........Photo of a coyote that died of anticoagulant poisoning. This picture is graphic but is the bottom line for the effects these poisons have on some species. Outwardly, the coyote looks healthy and unharmed. However, when the animal is dissected for autopsy, we find excessive amounts of free-blood in the abdominal and thoracic cavities. In this picture, the blood has spilled out of the coyote when it was cut open.---10 days after ingesting the poison, the coyote can die.
And now that researchers have a good sense of what coyotes are eating, Brown hopes local residents can be educated and empowered to reduce the unnatural resources the animals take advantage of.
“The coyotes start getting to where they expect food directly from somebody,” he said, “so they come up to people and then they end up getting a little too pushy and end up biting somebody.”
Two Year Coyote Scat
Project Ends with
Over 3,000 Specimens
| What is RSS
Date: March 8, 2019 Anna Beatrice Cholo
THOUSAND OAKS, Calif. -- A two-year National Park
Service research study of scat,
aka poop, that focused on what coyotes eat in urban
Los Angeles, is culminating with
a “scat party” Saturday morning at the Audubon
Center at Debs Park (March 9).
Volunteers will dissect the final samples and then
celebrate their participation in the
project with tacos.
The project may be the first time a coyote’s diet
is being studied in downtown Los Angeles,
and it is expected to yield information about the
basic ecology of urban coyotes, which it is
hoped will assist residents and policymakers
in making informed decisions regarding coyote
Volunteers and interns were at the heart
this study, said National Park Service
Justin Brown who led the research.
“Without them, we could not have collected
and dissected more than 3,200 scats,” Brown
said. “They were out there picking up scat
along predetermined scat lines from Beverly
to Boyle Heights, Westlake to Lincoln Heights.
They put a lot of time into this work.”
To compare diets, researchers also collected
scat throughout the Conejo Valley suburbs,
which includes the city of Thousand Oaks,
and the adjacent natural habitat. They attended
trainings and analysis workshops to learn
proper scat collection procedures that were held
at the Audubon Center at Debs Park. Some
also volunteered for the analysis team that
helped examine the scat contents, a one- to
two-day commitment per month.
The main question posed by the study is: what
do urban coyotes, who deal with concrete,
traffic, people, and fewer natural areas, actually
eat relative to their suburban cousins?
Thus far, it seems like Los Angeles coyotes’
favorite meals consist of fruits from ornamental
trees, rabbits, insects, cats, pocket gophers, and
human foods that were not disposed o
f properly. Analyses are not complete, but the table
below gives a preliminary idea of what
coyotes in the different regions are eating.
What are coyotes eating in the City of Los
Angeles and in the suburbs of L.A.
Human and pet foods
26% 8%
18% 48%
Pocket gophers
9% 13%
Ornamental fruits
26% 24%
19% 15%
Domestic cats
20% 4%
During monthly scat parties, community
scientists dissected “clean” scat that had
thoroughly washed and “baked.”
“In fact, the scat is so clean that at some
stage you have to ask, is this even scat anymore?”
joked Brown.
The volunteers were tasked
with dumping the bag’s contents onto a paper towel
and then
separating insect parts from animal parts and plant
parts from the human related materials.
Most do the work without gloves because it didn’t
take long for them to learn how gloves
are kind of annoying. Animal hair tends to stick to the
gloves, Brown said.
Identifying what the items are is part of the learning
process, and the volunteers were
expected to try to figure it out for themselves first.
When finished, they would call over
a biologist who would then help them identify the
item. Everything got marked and a few
days later, the data were inputted to a database.
Another aspect of the research project involved
collecting whiskers from coyotes that
were recovered as road kill or captured as part of
a broader study of coyotes. The
National Park Service launched the urban coyote
study in May of 2015 in order to
better understand how coyotes are surviving in
one of the most intensely developed
cities in the nation.
Using the whiskers, researchers could do a stable
isotope analysis to examine
carbon nitrogen ratios. Scat is great for detecting
hard parts in the diet remains
like bones and
seeds, but it’s not a good source of information for
identifying human foods that are highly
digestible, like hamburgers and bread. Researchers
are collecting these data to better
understand what resources coyotes are using across
the landscape, in areas with high to
low levels of urbanization, and to provide insight
into how coyotes are persisting in some
of the most urban areas of Los Angeles.
The results of the study will be analyzed in the coming
weeks and biologists expect to
submit the results for publication this year.
Scientists at Santa Monica Mountains National
Recreation Area have been studying
carnivores in and around the Santa Monica
Mountains since 1996.
Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation
Area (SMMNRA) is the largest urban
national park in the country, encompassing
more than 150,000 acres of mountains
and coastline in Ventura and Los Angeles
counties. A unit of the National Park Service,
it comprises a seamless network of local,
state and federal parks interwoven with
private lands and communities. As one of
only five Mediterranean ecosystems in
the world, SMMNRA preserves the rich
biological diversity of more than 450 animal
species and 26 distinct plant communities.
For more information, visit
Subscribe ![]() |
THOUSAND OAKS, Calif. -- A two-year National Park
Service research study of scat,
Service research study of scat,
aka poop, that focused on what coyotes eat in urban
Los Angeles, is culminating with
Los Angeles, is culminating with
a “scat party” Saturday morning at the Audubon
Center at Debs Park (March 9).
Center at Debs Park (March 9).
Volunteers will dissect the final samples and then
celebrate their participation in the
celebrate their participation in the
project with tacos.
The project may be the first time a coyote’s diet
is being studied in downtown Los Angeles,
and it is expected to yield information about the
basic ecology of urban coyotes, which it is
hoped will assist residents and policymakers
in making informed decisions regarding coyote
is being studied in downtown Los Angeles,
and it is expected to yield information about the
basic ecology of urban coyotes, which it is
hoped will assist residents and policymakers
in making informed decisions regarding coyote
Volunteers and interns were at the heart
this study, said National Park Service
Justin Brown who led the research.
“Without them, we could not have collected
and dissected more than 3,200 scats,” Brown
said. “They were out there picking up scat
along predetermined scat lines from Beverly
to Boyle Heights, Westlake to Lincoln Heights.
They put a lot of time into this work.”
and dissected more than 3,200 scats,” Brown
said. “They were out there picking up scat
along predetermined scat lines from Beverly
to Boyle Heights, Westlake to Lincoln Heights.
They put a lot of time into this work.”
To compare diets, researchers also collected
scat throughout the Conejo Valley suburbs,
which includes the city of Thousand Oaks,
and the adjacent natural habitat. They attended
trainings and analysis workshops to learn
proper scat collection procedures that were held
at the Audubon Center at Debs Park. Some
also volunteered for the analysis team that
helped examine the scat contents, a one- to
two-day commitment per month.
The main question posed by the study is: what
do urban coyotes, who deal with concrete,
scat throughout the Conejo Valley suburbs,
which includes the city of Thousand Oaks,
and the adjacent natural habitat. They attended
trainings and analysis workshops to learn
proper scat collection procedures that were held
at the Audubon Center at Debs Park. Some
also volunteered for the analysis team that
helped examine the scat contents, a one- to
two-day commitment per month.
The main question posed by the study is: what
do urban coyotes, who deal with concrete,
traffic, people, and fewer natural areas, actually
eat relative to their suburban cousins?
Thus far, it seems like Los Angeles coyotes’
favorite meals consist of fruits from ornamental
trees, rabbits, insects, cats, pocket gophers, and
human foods that were not disposed o
f properly. Analyses are not complete, but the table
below gives a preliminary idea of what
coyotes in the different regions are eating.
eat relative to their suburban cousins?
Thus far, it seems like Los Angeles coyotes’
favorite meals consist of fruits from ornamental
trees, rabbits, insects, cats, pocket gophers, and
human foods that were not disposed o
f properly. Analyses are not complete, but the table
below gives a preliminary idea of what
coyotes in the different regions are eating.
What are coyotes eating in the City of Los
Angeles and in the suburbs of L.A.
Angeles and in the suburbs of L.A.
| ||
Human and pet foods
26% 8%
| |
18% 48%
| |
Pocket gophers
9% 13%
| |
Ornamental fruits
26% 24%
| |
19% 15%
| |
Domestic cats
20% 4%
During monthly scat parties, community
scientists dissected “clean” scat that had
thoroughly washed and “baked.”
scientists dissected “clean” scat that had
thoroughly washed and “baked.”
“In fact, the scat is so clean that at some
stage you have to ask, is this even scat anymore?”
joked Brown.
The volunteers were tasked
stage you have to ask, is this even scat anymore?”
joked Brown.
The volunteers were tasked
with dumping the bag’s contents onto a paper towel
and then
separating insect parts from animal parts and plant
parts from the human related materials.
Most do the work without gloves because it didn’t
take long for them to learn how gloves
are kind of annoying. Animal hair tends to stick to the
gloves, Brown said.
and then
separating insect parts from animal parts and plant
parts from the human related materials.
Most do the work without gloves because it didn’t
take long for them to learn how gloves
are kind of annoying. Animal hair tends to stick to the
gloves, Brown said.
Identifying what the items are is part of the learning
process, and the volunteers were
expected to try to figure it out for themselves first.
When finished, they would call over
a biologist who would then help them identify the
item. Everything got marked and a few
days later, the data were inputted to a database.
process, and the volunteers were
expected to try to figure it out for themselves first.
When finished, they would call over
a biologist who would then help them identify the
item. Everything got marked and a few
days later, the data were inputted to a database.
Another aspect of the research project involved
collecting whiskers from coyotes that
were recovered as road kill or captured as part of
a broader study of coyotes. The
National Park Service launched the urban coyote
study in May of 2015 in order to
better understand how coyotes are surviving in
one of the most intensely developed
cities in the nation.
Using the whiskers, researchers could do a stable
isotope analysis to examine
carbon nitrogen ratios. Scat is great for detecting
hard parts in the diet remains
like bones and
collecting whiskers from coyotes that
were recovered as road kill or captured as part of
a broader study of coyotes. The
National Park Service launched the urban coyote
study in May of 2015 in order to
better understand how coyotes are surviving in
one of the most intensely developed
cities in the nation.
Using the whiskers, researchers could do a stable
isotope analysis to examine
carbon nitrogen ratios. Scat is great for detecting
hard parts in the diet remains
like bones and
seeds, but it’s not a good source of information for
identifying human foods that are highly
digestible, like hamburgers and bread. Researchers
are collecting these data to better
understand what resources coyotes are using across
the landscape, in areas with high to
low levels of urbanization, and to provide insight
into how coyotes are persisting in some
of the most urban areas of Los Angeles.
identifying human foods that are highly
digestible, like hamburgers and bread. Researchers
are collecting these data to better
understand what resources coyotes are using across
the landscape, in areas with high to
low levels of urbanization, and to provide insight
into how coyotes are persisting in some
of the most urban areas of Los Angeles.
The results of the study will be analyzed in the coming
weeks and biologists expect to
submit the results for publication this year.
weeks and biologists expect to
submit the results for publication this year.
Scientists at Santa Monica Mountains National
Recreation Area have been studying
carnivores in and around the Santa Monica
Mountains since 1996.
Recreation Area have been studying
carnivores in and around the Santa Monica
Mountains since 1996.
Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation
Area (SMMNRA) is the largest urban
national park in the country, encompassing
more than 150,000 acres of mountains
and coastline in Ventura and Los Angeles
counties. A unit of the National Park Service,
it comprises a seamless network of local,
state and federal parks interwoven with
private lands and communities. As one of
only five Mediterranean ecosystems in
the world, SMMNRA preserves the rich
biological diversity of more than 450 animal
species and 26 distinct plant communities.
For more information, visit
Area (SMMNRA) is the largest urban
national park in the country, encompassing
more than 150,000 acres of mountains
and coastline in Ventura and Los Angeles
counties. A unit of the National Park Service,
it comprises a seamless network of local,
state and federal parks interwoven with
private lands and communities. As one of
only five Mediterranean ecosystems in
the world, SMMNRA preserves the rich
biological diversity of more than 450 animal
species and 26 distinct plant communities.
For more information, visit
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